Global eStandards and Web Architectures for eGovernment projects

José M. Alonso, <[email protected]>

Dubai Skyline

eGovernment and W3C

José M. Alonso
CTIC Fellow - W3C eGovernment Lead
Technology and Society Domain

28 May 2007

These slides:

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Mission: Leading the Web to its Full Potential

Where's Wally eGov?

Technology stack, see for more details

Don't try too hard, you won't find it... will you?

What is this about?


"the use of ICTs, and particularly the Internet, as a tool to achieve better government"

The Web is the main channel to deliver eGovernment services

Where's Wally eGov? (revisited) portal screenshot

Where's Wally eGov? (et, voilà!) code showing some of the W3C technologies involved in its development

Where's Wally eGov? (revisited, take two) portal screenshot

Where's Wally eGov? (et, voilà!, take two) code showing some of the W3C technologies involved in its development

A big picture

Many W3C Technologies used

Why W3C has been caring?

W3C and eGov, an old story

... and not only a technical one

Current eGov efforts at W3C

Series of discussions to understand better the needs of Government in deploying current Web standards and the directions that future Web standards should take to best address delivery of Government services.

W3C can help to make pieces fit

Why Web Standards?

Short term plan

Several interesting findings so far, let's review the main ones

Best Practices and Methodologies

Semantic Interoperability of Web Architecture Frameworks

Creating a Trust Context for Citizens

We expect more to come



World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

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