W3C/WAI's Experience with eGovernment
Toward More Transparent Government:
Workship on eGovernment and the Web
18 June 2007
Washington DC, USA
Judy Brewer
Director, Web Accessibility Initiative
World Wide Web Consortium
WAI Guidelines
Address cross-disability accessibility of the Web
Use of WAI Guidelines in US
- Web portion of first Section 508
standard based on WCAG 1.0
- WCAG 2.0 harmonization target for updated Sec. 508 Web portion
- Some input from ATAG 2.0 into updated Sec. 508
- WCAG 1.0 referenced in many ADA legal
- WCAG 1.0 referenced by ~1/3 State governments
- W3C/WAI participated
- EITAAC recommended using WCAG, ATAG, UAAG
- ATAG & UAAG not yet ready for prime time
- WCAG 1.0 used in part, some changes, additions, deletions
- Massive boost to awareness of need for accessibility
- Authoring tool developers backed off of ATAG implementation plans
Standards harmonization or fragmentation
- Variety of WCAG 1.0 spin-offs around the world
- Authoring tool developers saw no unified market
- Business case for authoring tool support undermined
What we've done differently as a result
- Ongoing dialog and feedback
- Emphasis on:
- Coordination with
- governments, standards organizations, funded projects
- Reviews of:
- survey evaluations
- alternate guidelines
- More explicit discussion around harmonization w/ WCAG 2.0
- Demand for authoring strategies
- Positive history of collaboration among stakeholders
- International participation
International Uptake & Issues
Coordination with Standards Organization
- JTC1 Special Working Group on Accessibility
- DATSCG -- upcoming mandate on accessibility
- JIS -- extensive work to support convergence
- & more
Testing and Monitoring
- Education around approaches to evaluation
- Database of evaluation tools
- EARL Schema
- Test samples
Are We There Yet?
(there = achieving accessibility)
- Why continued use of inaccessible formats?
- Implementation planning:
- ongoing promotion
- organizational policy
- capacity building
- reviewing authoring tool support
- coordination with implementation partners
- evaluation & monitoring
- enforcement
- Ongoing dialog with disability community
- ODF & accessibility in Massachusetts
Keeping Ahead of New Technologies
- Tracking development of W3C specifications
- Tracking accessibility of non-W3C technologies
WAI Resources