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The network for innovation in European public sector information

Guides to Implementation of the (Revised) PSI Directive

The (revised) PSI Directive calls on European Member states to implement a range of measures to ensure that a great deal of public sector information is available to its citizens. Through a series of workshops, and in collaboration with the W3C Data on the Web Best Practices Working Group, the Share-PSI 2.0 network gathered a wide range of best practices that can be followed. However, the Best Practices are written largely in the abstract. They provide clear statements about the intended outcomes, but detailed implementation can only be achieved at local level, taking into account the local context. Relevant factors include the existing organisational heirarchy, the available IT infrastructure, the legal and policy framework and so on.

This page lists the many guides for implementing the (revised) PSI Directive that exist across Europe, organised by country. Each guide addresses the local situation as it exists in a Member State, region or community. Click the country name (or flag) to go to more detailed information about each guide as well as a list of the Share-PSI Best Practices that the guides cite directly, or with which the advice offered in the guides is consistent.

Grounds for Inclusion

The local guides have each been produced to serve a particular audience and some of them pre-date the project. Several of those are updated on a regular cycle, others not. To account for this variety, and for the project to be as unrestrictive as possible, Best Practices are deemed to be included if either:

  • they are cited directly, or;
  • a particular guideline is consistent with one or more BPs.

For example, the Serbian guide is presented as a series of Web pages that include direct links to all of the Share-PSI BPs. In contrast, the main Swedish guide includes 5 specific pieces of advice that are consistent with Share-PSI but there are no links or references from the document to those BPs. The provenance of each guides is classified as one of:

  • [s] - This guide was created by, or with the direct involvement of, the relevant Share-PSI partner(s), during the project.
    See, for example, Luxembourg
  • [b] - This guide was created before any results from Share-PSI were available.
    See, for example, Austria
  • [i] - This guide was created independently of the Share-PSI project.
    See, for example, Netnherlands


The Share-PSI Web site is engineered to facilitate updates as easily as possible with the core data concerning the BPs and the local guides held in JSON files in the project's GitHub repository. As new versions of the guides are published, updating the links between them and the BPs is very straightforward.

Comparison Table

The following table offers a handy cross reference between the local guides and the Share-PSI Best Practices

GuideArea Coveredodbmcodzerocasecdceodeftefsgdhlshmiwyapportalpomdodppptdeqaordsustats
Framework for Open Government Data PlatformsAustria
Open Data HandleidingFlanders
Preporuke o prilagodbi skupova podataka za javnu objavu i ponovno korištenjeCroatia
Standardy publikace a katalogizace otevřených dat veřejné správy ČRCzech Republic
Avaandmete loomise ja avaldamise juhendEstonia
Eesti avaliku teabe masinloetava avalikustamise roheline raamatEstonia
Avoimen Datan OpasFinland
Helsinki Region InfoshareFinland
Open Government Data DeutschlandGermany
Εφαρμογή των διατάξεων του Κεφαλαίου Α’ του ν. 4305/2014 (ΦΕΚ 237/Α΄ )Greece
Nyílt Adatok kézikönyvHungary
Open Data Handbook, Solutions BankWorld
ELI implementation methodology: Good practices and guidelinesEU
DCAT application profile implementation guidelinesEU
Using Open Public Sector InformationWorld
Guide for publishersIreland
Linee Guida Nazionali per la Valorizzazione del Patrimonio Informativo PubblicoItaly
Atvērto datu vadlīnijasLatvia
Viešojo Sektoriaus Informacijos platinimo gerosios praktikosLithuania
Recommandations pour l'ouverture des données publiquesLuxembourg
PSI Directive Implementation & Internal Data Sharing Platform (draft)Malta
Handreiking bij openen van dataNetherlands
Veileder i tilgjengeliggjøring av offentlige dataNorway
Guia Dados Abertos - AMA | Dados.govPortugal
Ghid Pentru Publicarea Datelor DeschiseRomania
Open Data HandbookSerbia
Priročnik za odpiranje podatkov javnega sektorjaSlovenia✔✔
Government Data Openness and Re-useCatalunya
Decálogo Open DataSpain
Guía metodológica para planes open data sectorialesSpain
Guía para el desarrollo de la Universidad AbiertaSpain
Reutilización de la Información de los Servicios PúblicosSpain
Guía de aplicación de la Norma Técnica de Interoperabilidad de reutilización de recursos de informaciónSpain
Ramverket för öppna data - SKLSweden
Guiding principles for working with digital cultural heritageSweden
Vidareutnyttjande av information Om PSI och öppna dataSweden
Open Data Resource PackScotland
Birmingham and West Midlands Localised Guide for Open DataUK
Building best practices for sharing public sector dataUK

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