Team and Contributors
Amaya Team
- Current
Vincent Quint (Project lead, INRIA), Laurent Carcone (W3C)
- Alumni
Ramzi Guétari, Daniel Veillard, Paul Cheyrou-Lagreze, José Kahan, Stéphane Gully, Emilien Kia, Irène Vatton
- User Interface, WAI, patches, ...
Charles McCathieNevile (Accessibility), Stéphanie Riche (GTK)
Danton Nunes, Ly Ann, Hugh Sasse, John Darrington
Atsuhiko Yamanaka (I18N), Manuele Kirsch (WebDAV), Abderrahim Maz (I18N)
Regis Boudin - SVG
Paul Cheyrou-Lagreze, Etienne Bonnet (old SVG library), Pierre Genevés (timeline), Frederic Wang (SVG editor)
- MathML
Frederic Wang (Maths palette)
- Thot toolkit
Nabil Layaïda, Stéphane Bonhomme, Cécile Roisin, Hélène Richy.
- RDF parser, annotations
Ralph R. Swick, Art Barstow
- Templates
Laurent Bonameau, Antoine Tollenaere
- Documentation and translations
John Russell (User manual)
Christian Czech, Eric Koerting, Karl-Michael Schneider, and Alfons Hester (German dialogs), Rudolf Troeller, Jörg Kohne (German documentation)
Roberto Bagnara and Maurizio Codogno (Italian dialogs)
Valentine Giordani, Magali Vatton (French manual)
Jeff Hunt (Amaya tutorial)
Pedro Pablo Fabrega, Emmanuelle Gutiérrezy Restrepo, Bartolome Sintes, and the whole Sidar "traduce-amaya" group (Spanish dialogs)
Ricardo Maciel (Portuguese dialogs)
Tisza Daniel (Finnish dialogs)
Serpil Karakas (Turkish dialogs)
Vlademer (Russian documentation and dialogs)
Peter Mráz (Slovak dialogs)
Jörg Kohne (Dutch dialogs)
Dr. Leslie F. Sikos (Hungarian dialogs)
First English documentation by WinWriters
How to contribute
Amaya is Open Source. The CVS base or Github repository is in read access mode for everybody. You're invited to contribute in developing documentation (or making translations), adding more features, writing new code, fixing bugs. etc.
In order to be more efficient and to save time, we recommend you to take into account:
- the history of Amaya releases
- the recommendations for writing new code in Amaya
- information about translating Amaya dialogues into other languages
The [email protected]
mailing list is available for any technical issue.