ThotLib V2.1.e
Date: November 2, 1998
The Thot application generation language enables applications based on the active document concept. An active document is an electronic document which transforms itself or acts on its computing environment when certain editing commands are issued by the user. This concept is used to build different types of applications including access to databases, user interface construction and technical document processing.
The Thot application generation language is used to define a graphic interface (a set of menus) to which the application designer can associate functions. These functions are either Thot standard functions or new specific functions.
The language and its associated mechanisms also allow application designers to modify or extend standard Thot editing functions. The application can receive control during the execution of a standard function, by asking for an event. These events are also specified in the application generation language.
Consequently, an application is constituted by two different sets of functions:
Commands and actions can use the Thot API in order to modify the documents being handled (refer to The Thot Tool Kit API)
Application generation is based on application schemas written in
a specific language, the A language. Menus and associated specific
commands are declared in the main application schema, called
. This application schema can refer to other application
schemas that define shared components reusable in different applications.
These application schemas are based on a generic logical structure and are
related to a structure schema. These application schemas have the same name as
the corresponding structure schema and the .A
application schema defines the menus of the main
window (if this main window exists) and those attached to the menu bar of each
document window. The app application allows one to define different menus for
different document types (identified by their structure names). For a specific
document type, menus can differ form one view to another (the range in
presentation schema identified the view when the menu is specific to one
The application schema associates a command with each item in these menus. Each item is located within a menu or a cascade submenu of a menu. The cascade is limited to one level.
When the user selects a menu item, the corresponding command is called, with the current document and view as parameters.
There are different menu sections in the EDITOR.A
An event is raised by the editor whenever a Thot standard editing command perform some treatment that the application needs to complement or replace. For example, an event can be raised when the user selects an element, modifies a character string, creates or deletes a logical element, associates an attribute with an element, opens or closes a document view, saves a document, etc.
Only standard editing commands raise events. Specific commands associated with menu items in an application schema do not raise any event.
Each event raised by Thot is associated with the object concerned by the Thot editing command that triggers the event: element, attribute, view, document, etc.
Whenever an event is raised, Thot calls the corresponding actions that is associated with the event and the corresponding object in the application schemas in use.
The user and the programs (commands and actions) can access the same functions, but through different interfaces: standard Thot commands for the user, API for programs. The operations performed on documents by an application programs using the Thot API do not create events. However, there are some exceptions to this rule; they are mentioned below.
The Thot standard editing commands generally produce two events with the same name but with different suffixes:
is returned by the action), the editor does not perform the
normal processing.
When an action performed on a .Pre event has replaced the normal processing of the standard command, there is no corresponding .Post event since the editor has not processed the command.
Each time an action of the application is called by an event, it receives a context as a parameter, which allows the application to identify the conditions in which the event has been raised. This context varies from an event to the other because it only provides information significant for the event in question.
Here is a list of all items that can be found in the context (for each event, only a subset of this list is present):
Section 5 lists all the events that can be raised, with the name of the event, the parameters received by the action which handles this event and the conditions in which it is raised.
Application generation is based application schemas written in a
specific language, the A language. Menus and associated specific
commands are declared in the main application schema, EDITOR.A
This application schema can refer to other application schemas related to
different structure schemas.
Any application schema starts with the APPLICATION keyword followed by the EDITOR word or the structure schema name.
The main application schema of the application contains two sections that do not appear in other application schemas.
schema and appears at the end of the schema.
Three other sections can appear in any application schema: DEFAULT, ELEMENTS and ATTRIBUTES. These sections are optional but at least one of them must be present in an application schema associated with a structure schema.
The schema must end with the END keyword.
ASchema = 'APPLICATION' ElemIdent ';' [ 'USES' SchemaAndModules ] [ 'DEFAULT' EvtActionList ] [ 'ELEMENTS' < ElemActionList > ] [ 'ATTRIBUTES' < AttrActionList > ] [ 'MENUS' Menus ] 'END' .
A single application can use several application schemas: one per structure
schema for which specific commands or actions must be performed (for instance,
Report and Paragraph) and one general application schema (the EDITOR schema).
When an event is raised for a given element, the editor consults first the
application schema of the structure defining this element in order to check
whether an action has been attached to this event. If it is not the case, the
editor consults sequentially the application schemas of the parent elements
and finally the EDITOR
application schema.
schema lists the names of other application
schemas involved in the application, in its USES section. The A compiler uses
this list to load the corresponding commands and actions.
The USES section lists also all the modules needed by the application.
SchemasAndModules = SchemaOrModule < ',' SchemaOrModule > ';' . SchemaOrModule = DocumentType | Module .
The Thot library provides optional modules which can be used or not by an application. As an example, a document reader application does not need editing functions. The USES section allows application developer to explicitly load the needed Thot modules. The available modules are:
function that allows users to insert composed
characters into Motif widget.
The MENUS section defines the menus contituting a menu bar (see example in 7):
Main Window
section is optional. It defines the menu bar
of the main window.
Document Windows
section is mandatory. It defines the
menu bar of all document windows.
sections are
optional. They specify the menu bar for specific document types.
Menus = [ 'Main' 'Window' ':' MenuList ] [ 'Document' 'Windows' ':' MenuList ] < DocumentType 'Windows' ':' MenuList > . MenuList = 'BEGIN' NewMenu < NewMenu > 'END' ';' / NewMenu . NewMenu = [ 'view' ':' ViewNum ] MenuIdent [ '.' SubmenuIdent] [ ItemCascade ] ';' . ItemCascade = 'Separator' / 'Button' ':' ItemAction / 'Toggle' ':' ItemAction / 'Dynamic' ':' ItemIdent . ItemAction = ItemIdent '->' ActionIdent . DocumentType = NAME . MenuIdent = NAME . SubmenuIdent = NAME . ItemIdent = NAME . IdentAction = NAME .
For each menu item, the application schema associates a specific command, except for the standard menus, composed by the Thot editor. For these menus neither items nor actions have to be specified. There are two such menus: "Attributes_" and "Selection_".
The Thot toolkit allows application designers to declare one-level cascade menus (menu and submenu).
A menu item can be:
The Thot toolkit is designed to support multilingual dialogue. Names of
menus, submenus and menu items declared in the application schema are
considered as generic names. When the application starts, the editor looks for
a dialogue table:
config/$LANG-'name'dialogue ('name' represents the application name)
to substitute generic names by localized name adapted to the current language
The A compiler automatically generates a EDITORdialogue
that can be used as a model to construct dialogue tables for each supported
Actions that must be executed when certain events are raised, are specified in sections DEFAULT, ELEMENTS and ATTRIBUTES. Association of actions with events is simply expressed by the name of the event (see the list of events in section 5) followed by an arrow (the two characters '-' and '>') and the name of the action.
The name of the event contains the suffix .Pre or .Post depending on whether the action must be performed before or after normal processing by the editor. If no suffix is present the event is assumed to have the .Pre suffix.
The name of the action is the name of the procedure written by the programmer and called by the event.
EvtAction = EvtIdent [ '.' PostPre ] '->' ActionIdent ';' . PostPre = 'Post' / 'Pre' . EvtIdent = NAME . ActionIdent = NAME .
The DEFAULT section includes the event/action associations which, by default, apply to all element types and all the attributes defined in the structure schema corresponding to the application schema.
For a given element type and for a given event, when the ELEMENTS section does not contain an event/action association, the association of the DEFAULT section is taken into account if it exits. The DEFAULT section can be absent. It can also contain only a subset of the events listed in section 5. When the ELEMENTS section for a given element type and the DEFAULT section do not define any action for a given event, this event has no effect for the elements of that type.
The same principle applies to attributes: the DEFAULT section specifies the event/action associations which apply to all attributes for which the ATTRIBUTE section does not include these events.
The DEFAULT section is composed of the DEFAULT keyword followed by an event/action association, if there is a single default association, or by a sequence of associations between the keywords BEGIN and END, if there are several. The END keyword must be followed by a semicolon. The event/action associations can be either for element types (see section 2.5) or for attributes (see section 2.6).
'DEFAULT' EvtActionList EvtActionList = EvtAction / 'BEGIN' EvtAction < EvtAction > 'END' ';' .
The actions to be called for elements of a given type are defined in the ELEMENTS section. In this section, the name of each element type requiring actions is followed by a colon and by the event/action association to be applied (if there is only one) or the list of associations (if there are several) between the keywords BEGIN and END. The END keyword is followed by a semicolon.
In the case where the element type is a mark pair, but only in this case, the type name can be preceded by the keywords First or Second. These keywords indicate whether the associations that follow apply to the first or second mark of the pair.
Each event/action association for an element type is composed in the same way as described in section 2.3.
'ELEMENTS' < ElemActionList > ElemActionList = ElemActions < ElemActions > . ElemActions = [ FirstSec ] ElemIdent ':' EvtActionList . FirstSec = 'First' / 'Second' . ElemIdent = NAME . EvtActionList = EvtAction / 'BEGIN' EvtAction < EvtAction > 'END' ';' .
The actions to be called for given attributes are defined in the ATTRIBUTES section. In this section, the name of each attribute requiring actions is followed by a colon and by the event/action association to be applied (if there is only one) or the list of associations (if there are several) between the keywords BEGIN and END; the END keyword is followed by a semicolon.
Each event/action association for an attribute is composed in the same way as indicated in section 2.3, but only certain events are allowed for attributes, those beginning with Attr (see section 5.1 for the definition of these events).
'ATTRIBUTES' < AttrActionList > AttrActionList = AttrActions < AttrActions > . AttrActions = AttrIdent ':' EvtActionList . AttrIdent = NAME .
The Thot toolkit provides a set of standard commands. The commands parameters are always the document identification and the view number.
command presents
the same menu as that offered by the TtcInsert
command, i.e. the
list of elements that can be created before or after the selected part. Once
you have selected the type and the position of the copy, click with the left
mouse button on the element to be copied. You can click in any Thot window of
a document provided that you click on an element of the required type. You can
move throughout the document by using the scroll bars in order to display the
desired element before clicking on it.
The Thot standard commands TtcInsertChar and TtcInsertGraph need an extra parameter: the character to be inserted. These commands can be called by application specific commands, but cannot appear in the menus defined by the application schema EDITOR.A.
It is convenient to be able to invoke menu commands from the keyboard. The Thot toolkit provides a facility that let user accomplish this. When the application starts, the Thot toolkit looks for the keyboard shortcuts file for the application. This file defines a list of associations between a keyboard sequence an the corresponding command.
The syntax used to define association is:
Directive = KeySeq ':' IdentCommand ; KeysSeq = KeySet [ ',' KeySet ] ; KeySet = [ Modifier ] [ 'Shift' ] Key ; Key = '<Key>' KeyValue / '<Key>' SpecialKey ; Modifier = 'Ctrl' / 'Alt' / 'Meta' ; KeyValue = 'a' / 'b' / ... ; SpecialKey = 'Escape' / 'Delete' / 'Space' / 'BackSpace' / 'Return' / 'Up' / 'Down' / 'Left' / 'Right' / 'Home' / 'End' / 'F1' / ... / 'L1' / ... / 'R1' / ... ; IdentCommand = 'TtcInsertChar(' Char ')' / NAME '()' ; Char = KeyValue / OctalValue ; OctalValue = '\' NUMBER ;
An IdentCommand
can be either a standard Thot command or an
application specific command. We give below the example of the
#Amaya example Ctrl <Key>1: CreateHeading1() Ctrl <Key>2: CreateHeading2() Ctrl <Key>3: CreateHeading3() Ctrl <Key>Space: TtcInsertChar("\240") Ctrl <Key>Return: TtcInsertChar("\212") Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>s: SaveDocument() Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>p: TtcPrint() Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>c: TtcCloseDocument() Ctrl <Key>x , Ctrl <Key>f: TtcSearchText() Ctrl <Key>c: TtcCopySelection() Ctrl <Key>y: TtcPaste() Ctrl <Key>w: TtcCutSelection() Ctrl <Key>d: TtcDeleteSelection() <Key>Delete: TtcDeleteSelection() <Key>Escape: TtcParentElement() Ctrl <Key>-: TtcChildElement() Ctrl <Key>a: TtcStartOfLine() Ctrl <Key>e: TtcEndOfLine() <Key>Return: TtcCreateElement() <Key>Home: TtcStartOfLine() <Key>End: TtcEndOfLine() Ctrl <Key>b: TtcPreviousElement() Ctrl <Key>f: TtcNextElement() <Key>L6: TtcCopyToClipboard() <Key>L8: TtcPasteFromClipboard()
The keyboard shortcuts file can be located either in the user's
directory or in the bin
directory within the
Thot hierarchy.
File paths are:
where 'name' represents the application name.
Events can take two different forms: .Pre or .Post. The actions called by the .Pre events must return a boolean value which is True if the action replaces the standard processing of the editor. The actions called by the .Post events have no return value. The .Pre and .Post forms of the same event generally call the corresponding actions with different parameters.
Events are grouped in several categories depending on the objects to which they are transmitted: attributes, elements, specific presentation rules, documents, views, application.
The following events only appear in the DEFAULT
section or in
section of an application schema.
If they appear in the DEFAULT
section, they are raised each
time an attribute of any type is created, modified, deleted, saved or read
(according to the event), whatever the element in question.
section, these events are associated with an
attribute type and raised by the editor when attributes of this type are
created, deleted, modified, saved or read (according to the event), whatever
the element in question.
Each attribute's event is accompanied with a pointer to the subsequent structure (this structure is defined in the appaction.h file):
typedef struct { TTEevent event; Document document; Element element; Attribute attribute; AttributeType attributeType; } NotifyAttribute;
for element element
. The
attribute field is not filled since the attribute has not yet been
If the action called by the event returns True, the corresponding
item is not included in the menu; if it returns False, the item is
normally included in the menu.
There is no AttrMenu.Post
indicated an attribute of type attributeType
. The
attribute field is not filled since the attribute has not yet been
(before creating the attribute) and
(before requiring the user to assign a value to
the attribute).WITH
in the structure schema), do not raise AttrCreate.Pre
event when
for the element element
keyword in
the structure schema) do not raise a AttrCreate.Post
for the element element
for the element element
. The attribute then has the new value.
for the
element in question. The attribute is still attached to the element and its
value is still accessible.
the indicated element. The attribute field is not filled since the attribute
no longer exists.
. The attribute field is not
significant. If the action returns True, the attribute is not
included in the abstract tree.
of the element element
. If the
action returns True, the attribute is not written in the file.
the element element
of the
element element
. If the action returns True, the
attribute is not exported in the output file.
of the element element
The following events only appear in the DEFAULT or ELEMENTS section of an application schema.
In the DEFAULT section, they are raised as soon as any element is affected by the relevant event.
section, they are associated with an element
type and raised as soon as an element of this type is affected by the relevant
Three different structures can accompany the events on elements (see the
structure specified for each event. These structures are defined in the
typedef struct { TTEevent event; Document document; Element element; ElementType elementType; int position; } NotifyElement; typedef struct { TTEevent event; Document document; Element element; ElementType elementType; ElementType targetElementType; } NotifyOnElementType; typedef struct { TTEevent event; Document document; Element element; Element target; Document targetdocument; } NotifyOnTarget; typedef struct { TTEevent event; Document document; Element element; Element target; int value; } NotifyOnValue;
(with its descent) as the child of the element
. The position
field gives the position of
the element that will be created or pasted (when the user chooses the item of
the menu) in the list of the children of element
(0 before the
first child or as the first child if element has no child, 1 after the first
child, 2 after the second one, etc.).ELEMENTS
section, it is only raised when
the editor includes in the menu the item regarding an element of the
corresponding type.DEFAULT
section, it is raised as soon as
the editor includes an item in the ``Insert'' menu, whatever the element type
in question.ElemMenu.Post event
, and before it tries to change individually
each selected element.
If the event is in the ELEMENTS
section, it is raised only if
all the selected elements belong to the corresponding type.
If the event is in the section DEFAULT
, it is sent whatever
the type of selected elements is.
If the action called by the event returns True, the editor will not try to change individually the type of selected elements, if it returns False, the editor will try.
There is no ElemTransorm.Post event.
(with its descent) as the child of the element element
. The
field gives the position of the element which will be
created in the list of the children of element
(0 before the
first child or as the first child if the element has no child, 1 after the
first child, 2 after the second one, etc.).ELEMENTS
section, it is raised only when
the user wants to create an element of the corresponding type.DEFAULT
section, it is raised as soon as
the user creates a new element, whatever its type.elementType
(with its descent) as the child of the element element
. The
field gives the position of the element which will be
created in the list of the children of element
(0 before the
first child or as the first child if the element has no child, 1 after the
first child, 2 after the second one, etc.).ELEMENTS
section, it is raised only when
the user wants to create an element of the corresponding type.DEFAULT
section, it is raised as soon as
the user creates a new element, whatever its type.element
has just been created and placed into the
abstract tree of its document. The position
field has no
section, it is only raised when
the user has created an element of the corresponding type.DEFAULT
section, it is raised each time
the user creates a new element, whatever its type.TtaSetNotificationMode
of the API). However, even when
the document is included in the full notification mode, the event is only
raised for the elements which require it.
which must be the last child of
. The position
field has no meaning. If the
action returns True, the element (and the whole subtree) is not
included in the abstract tree.
and the whole subtree
and has inserted it into the abstract tree. The position
has no meaning.
. The position
field has no
meaning. If the action returns True, the subtree is not written in
the file.
. The
field has no meaning.
. The position
field has no meaning. If the action returns True, the subtree is not
exported in the output file.
. The
field has no meaning.
will be removed from its abstract tree if
a « Delete » or « Cut » command is issued by the
user, or if the Thot kernel has detected two Text elements that may be merged.
This element is still included in the abstract tree when the event is raised.
The position
field may take different values depending on the
three following cases:
Values of the position field maty be the following:
TTE_STANDARD_DELETE_FIRST_ITEMS: the element is among the first items of the delete sequence: the event delete sequence is not complete, and next event(s) will follow this one.
TTE_STANDARD_DELETE_LAST_ITEM: this is the last item of the delete sequence.
The position field value is: TTE_MERGE_DELETE_ITEM
Value of the position field is: TTE_TOOLKIT_DELETE
When the event must remove a whole subtree, this event can only be raised
for the root of the subtree to be removed or on the contrary, to each element
of this subtree, depending on which notification mode the document is in (see
the TtaSetNotificationMode
function of the API). However, even
when the document is in the full notification mode, the event is only raised
for the elements which require it.
, child of element, has been
removed from the abstract tree. The position
field gives the
position of the removed element in the list of the children of
(0 for the first child, 1 for the second, etc.). If a
subtree has been deleted, the event is only raised for the root of this
subtree and not to each element of the subtree, even if the document is
included in the full notification mode.
. The selection
has not been already made. This event is also raised before a double-click and
when the editor follows a hypertext link. The position
field has
no meaning.
has just been selected by the user. The
field has no meaning.
. This event is only raised when the selection implies at
least two elements. The position
field has no meaning.
The position
field has no meaning.
. The
selection has not already changed. This event is accepted for all elements
(references or not). The position
field has no meaning.
. It's
similar to the Pre event because Thot doesn't do anything for this event.
. The
selection has not already changed. This event is accepted for all elements
(references or not). The position
field has no meaning.
. You can ask the API where the new selection is
if is the ElemSelect
event has not been retrieved. The
field has no meaning.
to the element target
belonging to the
document. The link is not already established and
the reference element still points its old target (or nothing at all). In the
section, this event is only valid for the elements of
type reference (this is checked by the compiler). If this event is included in
section, it will only apply to the reference
elements. This event is not accepted in the ATTRIBUTES
even for reference attributes (see the AttrModify
has just changed its target
upon the user's request. It now points to the element target
belonging to the targetdocument
as the child of the element element
. The
field gives the position of the element which will be
included in the list of the children of element
(0 before the
first child, 1 after the first child, 2 after the second one, etc.).element
has just been included. The
field has no meaning.element
be up to date
with the value of its source element.
In any case the source element are not accessible (for example when this is
placed in a non loaded document), so the element target
components are equal to NULL. Otherwise, the
element target
and targetdocument
point to the
source element and document where this is placed, respectively.
was up to dated with the value of element
contained in
the abstract tree. The position
field has no meaning.TtaSetNotificationMode
function of the API). However, even when
the document is in the full notification mode, the event is only raised for
the elements which require it.
has just been copied. It is placed in the
abstract tree. The position
field has no meaning.TtaSetNotificationMode
function of the API). However, even when
the document is in the full notification mode, the event is only raised for
the elements which have required it.
as the
descendant of the element element
. The element
is not already pasted at the position required by the
user. The value
field gives the position of the element to be
pasted in the list of the children of element
(0 before the first
child, 1 after the first child, 2 after the second child, etc.).element
has just been pasted. It is placed into
the abstract tree. The position
field contains the document from
which the element has been copied or cut.TtaSetNotificationMode
function of the API). However, even when
the document is in the full notification mode, the event is only raised for
the elements which have required it.
. The
element has still its old type. The elementType
field indicates
the new type that will be given to the element. The position
field has no meaning.
has just changed type. The
field indicates the previous type of the element. The
field has no meaning.
. The position
field has no meaning.
has just been surrounded by a new
element. The position
field has no meaning.
in the
element element
. The element
parameter is the
element of the type which has requested the event and which is an ascendant of
the target
leaf. The text leaf still has its previous
section, it is only raised if
one of the ascendants (at any level) of the text leaf in question has the type
with which the event is associated. If several ascendants require the event,
it is raised for each one and first to the ones at the lowest level.DEFAULT
section, it is raised as soon as
any text leaf is affected. In this case, both parameters element
and target
have the same value: the affected text
element element
. Several changes can have been made since the
corresponding ElemTextModify.Pre
event has been raised: inserted,
pasted, deleted characters, etc. When the event is raised, the text leaf has
its new contents. This event is raised in the same way as the
the contents of the
graphic or symbol leaf target
which has an ascendant
. Element
is the element of the type with
which the event is associated. If the event is defined in the
section then element
is equal to
which has an ascendant element
The following events can only appear in the DEFAULT
section of an application schema.
section, they are raised each time a specific
presentation rule is created, modified or deleted (depending on the event),
whatever the element in question.
section, they are associated with an element
type and raised by the editor when the specific rule concerns an element of
the type in question.
A single type of context is associated with the events for the specific
presentation (this structure is defined in the appaction.h
typedef struct { TTEevent event; Document document; Element element; PRule pRule; int pRuleType; } NotifyPresentation;
to be added for the element element
. The
rule is not already added. The pRule
field has no significant
rule has just been added to the element
presentation rule associated with the element element
presentation rule associated with the element element
specific presentation rule
associated with the element element
associated with the element element
. The
field has no significant value.
The following events are intended for documents. They can only appear in
section of an application schema. If it is an
application schema associated with a type of document, they are raised each
time a document of this type is (respectively) opened, created, closed or
saved. If they are included in the DEFAULT
section of the
schema, these events are raised whatever the type of
Only one type of context accompanies the events for documents. The
field is not significant for any event on documents (this
structure is defined in the appaction.h
typedef struct { TTEevent event; Document document; View view; } NotifyDialog;
field already contains the identifier to
be associated with the document if the application accepts to open it.
field already contains the
identifier to be associated with the document if the application accepts its
field to be closed. The document is still open.
field. This document identifier is no longer used.
field to be saved. The document is not saved yet.
field to be exported. The document is not exported yet.
The following events are intended for views. They can only appear in the
section of an application schema and concern all views of
a given document (if they are in an application schema associated with this
type of document) or all views of all types of documents (if they are in the
Two types of context can accompany the events for views (these structures
are defined in the appaction.h
typedef struct { TTEevent event; Document document; View view; } NotifyDialog; typedef struct { TTEevent event; Document document; int verticalValue; int horizontalValue; } NotifyWindow;
field. The view
field is the view which
will open.
. The view field is the view which is opened.
for the document
for the document
for the document
. The parameters verticalValue
give the vertical and horizontal variations of
the window. These values are expressed in pixels and can be positive or
negative numbers. A negative value expresses a shrinking of the window.
for the document
.. The parameters verticalValue
give the vertical and horizontal variations of
the window. These values are expressed in pixels and can be positive or
negative numbers. A negative value expresses a shrinking of the window.
for the document
. The parameters verticalValue
give the vertical or horizontal scrolling value
(one of them is nul). The scrolling value is expressed in pixels and can be a
positive or negative number. When the scroll is done by a jump to a specific
point within the document, the editor cannot compute the scrolling value; the
value 65535 is returned in that case.
for the document
. The parameters verticalValue
give the vertical or horizontal scrolling value
(one of them is nul). The scrolling value is expressed in pixels and can be a
positive or negative number. When the scroll is done by a jump to a specific
point within the document, the editor cannot compute the scrolling value; the
value 65535 is returned in that case.
The events described in this section do not concern a particular object but the whole application. They appear when the editor is launched and closed.
As they are not intended for a particular type of document, these events
can only appear in the EDITOR.A
schema. They are independent of
any element or attribute. As a result, they can only appear in the
section of this schema.
Each event for the application is accompanied with a pointer to the
subsequent structure (this structure is defined in the
typedef struct { TTEevent event; } NotifyEvent;
, the editor does not start and the application
immediately ends.
, the editor does not do anything and the
editing session carries on.
The actions of the application always receive a parameter which is a
pointer to a context whose structure depends on the processed event. If the
action knows the processed event, it can directly handle the parameter with
the correct structure (NotifyEvent, NotifyDialog, etc.). Conversely, if the
action is able to process several events, it can use the subsequent
declaration in order to sign the parameter and test the value of the event
field in order to analyze the rest of the context (these definitions can be
found in the appaction.h
typedef union { NotifyEvent notifyevent; NotifyDialog notifydialog; NotifyWindow notifywindow; NotifyAttribute notifyattribute; NotifyElement notifyelement; NotifyOnElementType notifyonelementtype; NotifyOnTarget notifyontarget; NotifyOnValue notifyonvalue; NotifyPresentation notifypresentation; } Notify;
The list of events is defined as follows (only internal events are listed):
typedef enum { TteAttrMenu, TteAttrCreate, TteAttrModify, TteAttrRead, TteAttrSave, TteAttrExport, TteAttrDelete, TteElemMenu, TteElemTransform, TteElemNew, TteElemRead, TteElemSave, TteElemExport, TteElemDelete, TteElemSelect, TteElemExtendSelect, TteElemClick, TteElemActivate, TteElemSetReference, TteElemInclude, TteElemFetchInclude, TteElemPaste, TteElemChange, TteElemMove, TteElemTextModify, TteElemGraphModify, TteElemMouseOver, TteElemMouseOut, TtePRuleCreate, TtePRuleModify, TtePRuleDelete, TteDocOpen, TteDocTmpOpen, TteDocCreate, TteDocClose, TteDocSave, TteDocExport, TteViewOpen, TteViewClose, TteViewResize, TteViewScroll, TteInit, TteExit } TteEvent;
The type signature of a .Pre
action of the application is:
boolean Action(notify) Notify *notify;
The type signature of a .Post
action of the application
void Action(notify) Notify *notify;
Amaya is an example of appplication built on Thot library. We just explain
here how this application declares a subset of its user interface and a subset
of Thot events using EDITOR.A
and HTML.A
These complete files can be found in the amaya directory.
APPLICATION EDITOR; USES HTML, Lookup, NoStructSelect; DEFAULT Init.Post -> InitAmaya; MENUS HTML Windows: BEGIN ....... view:1 Style button:BCreateClass -> ChangeClass; view:1 Style button:BApplyClass -> ApplyClass; view:1 Style Separator; view:1 Style button:BCSS -> InitCSSDialog; view:1 Style Separator; view:1 Style.Phrase toggle:TEmphasis -> CreateElemEmphasis; ....... view:1 Style.Font toggle:TItalic -> CreateElemItalic; view:1 Style.Font toggle:TBold -> CreateElemBold; view:1 Style.Font toggle:TTeletype -> CreateElemTeletype; view:1 Style.Font toggle:TStrikeOut -> CreateElemStrikeOut; view:1 Style.Font toggle:TBig -> CreateElemBig; view:1 Style.Font toggle:TSmall -> CreateElemSmall; view:1 Style.Font button:BSub -> CreateSub; view:1 Style.Font button:BSup -> CreateSup; view:1 Style.Font button:BFont -> CreateElemFont; Attributes_; view:1 Help_ button:BInformation -> HelpAmaya; END; END
file declares in USES
section that
Amaya loads the other application schema HTML.A
and the Thot
modules: Lookup, NoStructSelect.
section allows Amaya to execute the
function as initial function.
section declares only menus specific to HTML
documents. The Style menu is only defined for the view 1 of the HTML
presentation schema.
It contains:
, etc.,
submenu which contains simple
buttons and toggle buttons.
<- Menu Style in View 1 <- Simple buttons <- Separator <- Cascade submenu Font <- Toggles |
APPLICATION HTML; DEFAULT BEGIN ElemActivate.Pre -> DoubleClick; ..... END; ELEMENTS PICTURE_UNIT: BEGIN ElemNew.Post -> UpdateSRCattribute; ElemTextModify.Post -> UpdateSRCattribute; END; ..... ATTRIBUTES SRC: BEGIN AttrModify.Post -> SRCattrModified; END; ..... END; END
file declares in DEFAULT
section that
the Amaya action DoubleClick
have to be called when user double
click any element in HTML documents. This action is called before Thot do
In section ELEMENTS
, the UpdateSRCattribute
function will be called after the user creates a new picture element or
changes the contents of an existing one.
, the SRCattrModified
function will be called after the attribute SRC is modified.
Once application schemas have been written (see example in section 7), they must be compiled. To do this, corresponding structure schemas have to be previously compiled and accessible (application schema and structure schema have to be located in the same directory).
To compile the EDITOR.A
schema the developer has to
The compiler creates four files:
: a file of definitions intended to be included in
modules containing actions. This file defines all menus, submenus and menu
items used in EDITOR.A file.
: a file of C code which initializes the
application. This file should not be modified.
: a file containing the prototype of all
application functions that have to be implemented. The first time, this file
must then be renamed in EDITORactions.c
and the body of actions
must be written. Other time, the developer will take in this file only new
functions to add them to its EDITORactions.c file.
To compile the HTML.A
schema the developer has to invoke:
app HTML
The compiler creates three files:
: a file of definitions intended to be included in
modules containing actions. This file defines all the element types and the
attributes contained in the (HTML.S
) structure schema.
: a file of C code which initializes the
application. This file should not be modified.
: a file containing the prototype of all
application functions that have to be implemented. The first time, this file
must then be renamed in EDITORactions.c
and the body of actions
must be written. Other time, the developer will take in this file only new
functions to add them to its HTMLactions.c file.
Once the code of actions has been written, it can be compiled and linked. For compiling and linking, modules generate by the app compiler have to be included.
We provide a Imakefile for Thot applications which can be extended or used as example (see makes/Imakefile).
Thot uses a set of libraries which are necessary to successfully compile and link the application. Some of them are given with the Thot environment:
Other libraries have to be found in your specific environment: