Current state of the CSS implementation

CSS 2.1



CSS Selector
ID Yes Yes
Class Yes Yes, max 10 different ancestors types.
Pseudo classes Yes Yes except pseudoclasses hover, first-line, and first-letter.
Attributes and attribute values Yes Yes, max 10 different ancestor types.
Ancestors Yes Yes, max 10 different ancestor types.
> Yes Yes
* Yes Yes
+ Yes Yes
CSS Units
Units Yes Yes
CSS Properties
Aural properties No No
Backgrounds Yes Yes
Borders Yes Yes, border-collapse is not supported.
'clear' Yes Yes
'clip' Yes No
'color' Yes Yes
All X11 color keywords as specified in the CSS3 color module are also supported.
'content' Yes Yes
Counters Yes No
'cursor' Yes No
'direction' Yes Yes
'display' Yes Yes
'float' Yes Yes
'font' Yes Yes
'font-family' Yes Yes, implementation uses a limited set of fonts.
'font-size' Yes Yes
'font-size-adjust' Yes No
'font-stretch' Yes No
'font-style' Yes Yes
'font-variant' Yes Yes
'font-weight' Yes Yes
'font-size' Yes Yes
'height' Yes Yes, min-height and max-height are not interpreted.
'letter-spacing' Yes No
'line-height' Yes Yes except when the lines overrides.
List styles Yes Yes
Margins Yes Yes
'marker-offset' Yes No
Offsets Yes left, right, top, bottom are ignored.
'opacity' Yes Yes
'orphans' Yes No
Outlines Yes No
'overflow' Yes No
Paddings Yes Yes
'page' Yes No
'page-break-after' Yes Only auto and always are interpreted.
'page-break-before' Yes No
'page-break-inside' Yes No
'position' Yes Yes, fixed position is managed as absolute position.
'quotes' Yes No
Table layouts Yes caption-side, empty-cells, table-layout not supported.
'text-align' Yes Yes
'text-decoration' Yes Yes, blink unsupported.
'text-indent' Yes Yes
'text-transform' Yes No
'unicode-bidi' Yes Yes
'vertical-align' Yes Yes
'visibility' Yes Yes
'white-space' Yes Parsed but not used !
'widows' Yes No
'width' Yes Yes, min-width and max-width are not interpreted.
'word-spacing' Yes No
'z-index' Yes No

Irčne Vatton
Date: 2009-03-20