HTML elements
Amaya recognizes all the elements available in the HTML 4.0 language, but
only generates elements that are not deprecated. The following list contains
the elements that can be generated in Amaya, each linked to the HTML
specification for the element. Help information is also available about these elements.
- a
- anchor - a link and/or target
- abbr
- abbreviated form (e.g., WWW, HTTP, etc.)
- acronym
- an acronym: a type of abrreviation that is usually pronounced as a
word. (e.g., laser, WYSIWYG)
- address
- information about the author
- area
- client-side image map area
- b
- bold text style (This effect should be achieved using style sheets or markup that conveys structural
- base
- document base URI
- bdo
- I18N BiDi over-ride
- big
- large text style (This effect should be achieved using style sheets or markup that conveys structural
- blockquote
- long quotation
- body
- document body
- br
- forced line break
- button
- push button
- caption
- table caption
- cite
- citation
- code
- computer code fragment
- col
- table column
- colgroup
- table column group
- dd
- definition description
- del
- deleted text
- dfn
- instance definition
- div
- generic language/style container
- dl
- definition list
- dt
- definition term
- em
- emphasis
- fieldset
- form control group
- form
- interactive form
- h1, h2,
h3, h4, h5, h6
- heading
- head
- document head
- hr
- horizontal rule
- html
- document root element
- i
- italic text style (This effect should be achieved using style sheets or markup that conveys structural
- iframe
- inline subwindow
- img
- Embedded image
- input
- form control
- ins
- inserted text
- kbd
- text to be entered by the user
- label
- form field label text
- legend
- fieldset legend
- li
- list item
- link
- a media-independent link
- map
- client-side image map
- meta
- generic metainformation
- noscript
- alternate content container for non script-based rendering
- object
- generic embedded object
- ol
- ordered list
- optgroup
- option group
- option
- selectable choice
- p
- paragraph
- param
- named property value
- pre
- preformatted text
- q
- short inline quotation
- samp
- sample program output, scripts, etc.
- script
- script statements
- select
- option selector
- small
- small text style (This effect should be achieved using style sheets or markup that conveys structural
- span
- generic language/style container
- strong
- strong emphasis
- style
- style information
- sub
- subscript
- sup
- superscript
- table
- A table
- tbody
- table body
- td
- table data cell
- textarea
- multi-line text field
- tfoot
- table footer block
- th
- table header cell
- thead
- table header block
- title
- document title
- tr
- table row, containing table cells.
- tt
- teletype or monospaced text style (This effect should be achieved
using style sheets or markup that conveys structural
- ul
- unordered list
- var
- instance of a variable or program argument
Amaya does not allow the user to create Framesets. It is possible to edit
framesets in the structure view - elements can be copied and pasted, and
appropriate attributes are available.
- frame
- subwindow
- frameset
- window subdivision
- noframes
- alternate content container for non frame-based rendering
Amaya does not create the following elements which are deprecated in HTML
4.0 Strict (i.e. should no longer be used). They should be replaced as noted
for each element:
- applet
- Should be replaced by the object element
- basefont
- Should be replaced by the use of style
- center
- Should be replaced by the use of style
- dir
- Should be replaced by the ul element
- font
- Should be replaced by the use of style
- isindex
- Should be replaced by the use of forms
- menu
- Should be replaced by the ul element
- s and strike
- Should be replaced by the use of del (to identify
text to be removed) or by style
- u
- Should be replaced by the use of style