W3C Process Document
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- Activity
- Work carried out by W3C is organized into
different Activities. Each Activity
has been reviewed by the Advisory Committee and approved
by the Director.
- Activity Lead
- The Team member responsible for coordinating the work
carried out within an Activity.
- Activity Proposal
- A proposal to the Advisory Committee from the Director
to create, renew, or modify an Activity.
- Advisory Committee
- The review body composed of one representative from each
Member organization.
- Activity Statement
- A summary of the work being carried out as part of
an Activity.
- Briefing Package
- The initial description (scope, structure, process, context,
etc.) of a Proposed Activity.
- Call For Participation
- A call from the Director to the Membership (and possibly
public) for participation in a Working Group or other Group.
- Call For Review
- A call from the Director to the Advisory Committee to review
a proposal (including Activity Proposal and Proposed Recommendation).
- Candidate Recommendation
- A Candidate Recommendation is a stable Working Draft that the
Director has proposed to the community for implementation
experience and feedback.
- Chair
- The head of Working Group, Interest Group, or
Coordination Group.
- Chairman
- The Chairman manages the general operation of the Consortium.
- Charter
- A document that describes the scope, deliverables,
dependencies, and process of a Working Group or other Group.
- Consensus
- Substantial agreement.
- Coordination Group
- A Coordination Group facilitates communication among Working
Groups and Interest Groups. Coordination Groups are used by the Team
to help manage W3C on behalf of the Members, and ensure the
consistency and architectural integrity of its work.
- Director
- The lead architect for W3C. The Director also approves Recommendations,
Activity proposals, and charters; designates Group Chairs; and
acknowledges Submission requests.
- Document Status
- A section of every W3C Technical Report that describes
the context in which the document was published.
- Good Standing
- An indication that a Working Group participant has attended
meetings diligently and produced deliverables in a timely manner.
- Host
- One of the primary sites where the Team
is physically located.
- Interest Group
- A W3C group that explores and evaluates Web technologies.
- Invited Expert
- Someone invited to participate in a Working Group
who does not represent a W3C Member organization or
someone invited to participate on a one-time basis.
- Last Call
- A Working Draft that a Working Group considers essentially
finished that has been sent to other groups for review.
- Note
- A Note is a dated, public record of an idea,
comment, or document.
- Office
Local points of contact in other countries that help ensure that W3C
and its specifications are known in their country. Offices work with their
regional Web community to develop participation in W3C Working Groups.
- Proposed Recommendation
- A Proposed Recommendation is a Candidate Recommendation
that has benefitted from implementation experience and
has been sent to the Advisory Committee for review.
- Recommendation
- A Recommendation reflects consensus
within W3C, as represented by the Director's approval. W3C
considers that the ideas or technology specified by a
Recommendation are appropriate for widespread deployment and
promote W3C's mission.
- Related Member
- Two Members are related if
either Member is a subsidiary of the other, or if
both Members are subsidiaries of a common entity.
- Submission
- The W3C Submission process allows Members to propose technology or
other ideas for consideration by W3C.
- Team
- The Team (Director, Chairman, and Staff) manages W3C Activities and
establishes the mechanisms and procedures for doing so.
- Technical Report
- Documents that are on the Recommendation track or W3C Notes.
- Working Draft
A Working Draft generally represents work in progress and a commitment
by W3C to pursue work in a particular area. The label "Working
Draft" does not imply consensus within W3C about the document.
- Working Group
- The primary goal of a Working Group
is to produce specifications or prototype software.
- Workshop
A workshop brings experts together for a single meeting, typically for one
or two days. Workshops generally fall into two categories: those convened
so that Members may exchange ideas about a technology or policy and those
convened to address the pressing concerns of W3C Members.