W3C logo, link to home page W3C XML-Encryption FTF

Boston, MA
01 March 2000


The goal of this meeting is to get closure on open issues, all of which I hope are captured in the requirements document. These issues are captured from the list and proposals. Please be very familiar with both of these documents. This then should then be reflected in a ASAP publication of a Requirements Working Draft (WD), and an subsequent   specification WD.

I'm looking for folks to volunteer to present issues and maybe lead a brain-storming session. Volunteers for minutes are solicited: 3 note takers for 2 hour chunks.


8.30 - 9.00 Continental Breakfast

9.00 - 10.00 (60 minutes): Introduction :)

  1. Introduction, History, Charter (deliverables, scope, IPR). Joseph Reagle.

10.00 - 10.30 (40 minutes): Requirements - Easy Issues.

  1. Data Model/Vocabulary
    1. Node - abstract item in DOM or XPath.
    2. Element - Element Information Item: start/end tag, their attributes, and everything between.
    3. Element Children - element, processing instruction, unexpanded entity reference, character and comment information items: everything between the start and end tags
    4. Element Content - All the character children of an Element Information Item; the characters occuring between the start/end tag.
  2. The processing model should be based on application specific logic, or XSLT, XPath, etc?
  3. Objects and Encodings
    1. When an external object is decrypted, it should return to its native MIME type.
    2. How do we describe the type of the thing decrypted?
    3. Do we do base64 and/or hex?
  4. Referencing model: do we use URI and/or fragements, XPath, XPointer?
  5. Integrity: do we specify simple encryption+integrity, or rely upon XML Signature?

10.30 - 10.45 break

10.45 - 11.45 (60 minutes): Latest Proposal

  1. EncryptedData Structure, Ed Simon (25 minutes)
  2. EncryptedKey Structure, Blair Dillaway, (25 minutes)

11.45 - 1.00 (75 minutes): Requirements - Difficult Issues

  1. Granularity: Attribute Encryption and Arbitrary External Data. Ed Simon
  2. Signing and Encryption. Joseph Reagle and Hiroshi Maruyama
  3. Transform feature (if any) and Algorithm support. ?Volunteer?
  4. Syntax (namespaces, structures, and open issues in proposal). ?Joseph Reagle?

1.00 - 2.00 lunch (60 minutes)

2.00 - 3.00 Refocus on Difficult Issues  (90 minutes)

3.00 - 4.00 Break Out

4.00 - 5.00 Close Issues

5.00 - 5.30 Logistics

Joseph Reagle <[email protected]> Last updated: 19th September 2000.