Special Internet Connections

Scott Yanoff [email protected]

Last Update: 5/26/92

Agriculture information. (Login: super)
Am. Philos. Assoc.
APA buletin board
Searches almost all anonymous ftp sites for any program you want by name. use direct WWW/WAIS Archie or chose a telnet site: Canada, Finland, Australia, UK, Israel, or in the United Staes: MD, NE, NY, NJ.
Automated Data Servce
Navigational/Time/Astonomical information. (Login: ads)
Online database, book reviews, magazine fax delivery service.
Interactive AIDS document and simulated conversation (Login:chat)
Chess Server
Play/watch real-time chess with human opponents. Type 'help' for help Chess Server
Clemson U. Forestry & Agricultural Network. Must be on a real VT terminal or good VT100 emulator!
Dante Project
Divine Comedy and reviews. (At Login type: connect dante)
Distance Educat
(Hostname: uk.ac.open.acs.vax Username: icdl)
Aviation weather, flight planning. (Login: last name) One service for certified pilots, one for uncertified.
Earthquake Info
Recent quake info (location, time, magnitude, etc.) (Finger server)
E Math
Am. Math. Society sponsored bbs with software and reviews. Password: e-math.
Info. on scholarships, minority assistance, etc. (login: fedix)
USA Today Headline News, Sports, etc... Also from Youngstown (Login: visitor). Galt's Gulch Chat Server.
Small-scale chat server, talk to 30+ people at once.
Gene sequence information. (Password: 4nigms)
Geographic Server
Info by city or area code (Population, Lat./Long., Elevation, etc).
Georgetown Med. Lib.
Medical Library(Login: medlib Password: dahlgren Last name: netguest)
GO Server
Play others in a game of go.
Access to other services, gophers, documents, etc.
Guitar TAB/Chords
TAB/Chords for guitar in /pub/guitar.
Ham Radio Callbook
National ham radio call-sign callbook.
Handicap/Medical Site
offers anonymous FTP of software and medical info.
HP Calculator BBS
BBS for HP Calc. users, with chat mode. (Login: new)
Hytelnet Server
Access to many other services. Prefers vt100 emul. (Login: hytelnet)
INFO - Rutgers CWIS
Dictionary, thesaurus, CIA world fact book, quotations database.
Info/Software Server
journals, unix stuff, etc. Services: infoserv or softserv.
Internet Resource Guide
compressed/tar'd list of net resources.
IRC Telnet Client
Internet Relay Chat access, like a CB on the computer.
Info. System for Advanced Academic Computing, for IBM users.
Law Library
Law libraries and legal research. Also archive offering copies of laws for each state, and more!
Library of Congress
COPY of Library of Congress (Assumes terminal is emulating a vt100).
List of Lists
List of interest groups/email lists in . (or mail [email protected] for musical list of lists.)
Resources on Geology, Geophys, Astron., Astrophys.
Lyric Server
Lyrics as text files.
Mac Software Archive
Ftp'able software for the Macintosh computers.
access to various libraries. Type 'other' at prompt to see others.
Minority Online Information Service.
NASA Headline News
Daily press releases from NASA. (Finger server)
NASA SpaceLink
Latest NASA news, including shuttle launches and satellite updates.
National Education BBS
Education BBS. (Login: bbs Password: computing)
NASA Extragalactic Database. (Login: ned)
Given a name and org./school, finds a user for you (login: netfind)
Access to internet resources, Electronic. Publishing Service (Login: nicol)
Network Info. Center On-Line Aid System (Login: dftnic)
National Nuclear Data Center
Menu-driven access to Nat'l Space Science Data Center (Login: nodis) nssdc or nssdca.
Oceanic Info. Center
(Login: info)
NNTP News Servers
Telnetable access to post to the Usenet news NNTP Server #1 or NNTP Server #2. NNTP Server #3.
Agricultural info (livestock reports, etc.) (Login: PNOTPA)
Public-Access Unix
Free account, with access to various UNIX features. Available from: DU (login:new), Merit (login:newsuser), Ann Arbour (Which host: um-m-net Enter 'g' for guest. login: newuser).
Readers Guide
Readers Guide to periodical literature.
Recipe Archives
MANY food recipes. >From DEC or from Miami
SW Research Data Display & Analysis Center.
Access to nearly every listed service! (Login: services)
Software Server
Similar to Archie. Type help for a list of commands.
Science/space bbs.
Space Physics Analysis Network (Login: SPAN_NIC)
Science & Technology Information System. (Login: public)
Excellent menu-driven information searches (of what?). (Login: supernet)
Supreme Court Rulings
Archive of ASCII files of Supreme Court rulings
UMD Info Database
Info. docs on many subjects, including Supreme Court Decisions (Login: info)
Access to Library of Congress and nationwide libraries (Login: bbs)
Wide Area Info. Service. (Login: wais). See archive for more info.
Weather Service
City/State forecasts, ski conditions, earthquake reports, etc.
World-Wide Web
A login access point to the entire web of WWW, WAIS, Gopher, Archie and FTP data.
ZIB Electronic Library
Library of software, links to other libraries. (Login: elib)
NOTE: NO LOGIN NAMES OR PASSWORDS ARE REQUIRED UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. If it prompts you for a login name, you did something wrong, or are not running on a machine that the system you telnetted to supports.

Mail servers

C64 Archive Server
mail [email protected] Subject: Mail-Archive-Request Body-of-letter: help (hit return) end
Archie Mail Servers
mail archie@ Subject: help Offers: alterative Archie access to those w/o ftp or telnet.
FTP Mail
mail [email protected] Subject:(hit return) Body-of-letter: help (return) quit Offers:ftp via email
FTP Mail
mail [email protected] Body-of-letter: help or ftplist for a list of anon. ftp sites
Genetics Bank
mail [email protected] Subject: help Offers: genetic database accessable via email.
mail [email protected] Subject: help Body-of-letter: send index Offers: graphics bibliography.
Mail Srver/Usr Lookup
mail [email protected] in body of mail message: send usenet-addresses/[name searching for(1 word)]
Music Newsletter
mail [email protected] (internet) or mail listserv@marist (bitnet). Body-of-letter: SUBSCRIBE UPNEWS Offers: Reviews, intviews.
mail [email protected] or mail [email protected] Subject:(hit return) Body-of-letter: send index Offers: Software thru email
News Mail Server
mail [newsgroup]@cs.utexas.edu Offers: Post to Usenet News via email. (eg. [newsgroup] = alt-bbs)
mail [email protected] The "Usenet Oracle" Mail with subject as "help" for more info.
Archive. Also mail [email protected] with "send index" as your msg. Many FAQ's, ftp lists, library and service lists, gov't documents.
Sid's Music Server
mail [email protected] Subject: BOOTHELP Offers: Lists of rare live recordings, cd's for sale.
StatLib Server
mail [email protected] Mail with line: send index. Offers: Prgms, Datasets, etc. for statisticians.

FTP Sites/Archives

Docs, 5 puritytests, the Bible, Dec. of Ind, lyrics..
Gifs archive, software for pc's, etc.
You name it, it's here!
Software for MS-Dos computers, Mac, Amiga, Apple2, Apollo...
A huge software archive for PCs and UNIX.
How-to's about internet (how to email, ftp, telnet, etc.) in /pub/nic

PLEASE email [email protected] if you have any additional info/corrections/comments!

Email me WITH THE SUBJECT 'inet' to get on my email distribution list to receive updates of the list via email (about every 1 to 2 weeks). Telnet sites - the Yanoff List

Special Internet Connections

Scott Yanoff [email protected]

Last Update: 8/4/92

Agricultural Info
Agricultural info (livestock reports, etc.) CSU FRESNO ATI-NET. PENpages. CUFAN.
Am. Philos. Assoc.
APA buletin board
Searches almost all anonymous ftp sites for any program you want by name. use direct WWW/WAIS Archie or chose a telnet site: Canada, Finland, Australia, UK, Israel, or in the United States: MD, NE, NY, NJ.
Online database, book reviews, magazine fax delivery service.
Interactive AIDS document and simulated conversation (Login:chat)
Chess Servers
Play/watch real-time chess with human opponents. Type 'help' for help. Chess Server #1 or Chess Server #2 .
Dante Project
Divine Comedy and reviews. (At Login type: connect dante)
Distance Educat
(Hostname: uk.ac.open.acs.vax Username: icdl)
Aviation weather, flight planning. (Login: last name) One service for certified pilots, one for uncertified.
Earthquake Info
Recent quake info (location, time, magnitude, etc.) (Finger server)
E Math
Am. Math. Society sponsored bbs with software and reviews. Password: e-math.
FDA bbs w/ lots of info (News releases, Aids info, consumer info...)
Info. on scholarships, minority assistance, etc. (login: fedix)
USA Today Headline News, Sports, etc... Also from Youngstown (Login: visitor).
Gene sequence information. (Password: 4nigms)
Geographic Server
Info by city or area code (Population, Lat./Long., Elevation, etc).
Georgetown Med. Lib.
Medical Library(Login: medlib Password: dahlgren Last name: netguest)
GO Servers
Play others in a game of go. (Login/Password: go) GO Server #1, GO Server #2, or GO Server #3.
Gopher Servers
Access to other services, gophers, documents, campus wide info. systems. UMN Server, UIowa Server, Swedish Server, UNT Server, UIUC Server, UWP Server.
Guitar TAB/Chords
TAB/Chords for guitar in /pub/guitar.
Ham Radio Callbook
National ham radio call-sign callbook.
Handicap/Medical Site
offers anonymous FTP of software and medical info.
HP Calculator BBS
BBS for HP Calc. users, with chat mode. (Login: new)
Hytelnet Server
Access to many other services. Prefers vt100 emul. (Login: hytelnet)
INFO - Rutgers CWIS
Dictionary, thesaurus, CIA world fact book, quotations database.
Info/Software Server
Journals, unix stuff, etc.
Internet Resource Guide
compressed/tar'd list of net resources.
IRC Servers
Internet Relay Chat access, like a CB on the computer. Select IRC Telnet Client #1, #2, or #3.
Info. System for Advanced Academic Computing, for IBM users.
Law Library
Law libraries and legal research. Also archive offering copies of laws for each state, and more!
Library of Congress
COPY of Library of Congress (Assumes terminal is emulating a vt100).
List of Lists
List of interest groups/email lists in . (or mail [email protected] for musical list of lists.)
Resources on Geology, Geophys, Astron., Astrophys.
Lyric Server
Lyrics as text files.
Mac Software Archive
Ftp'able software for the Macintosh computers.
access to various libraries. Type 'other' at prompt to see others.
Minority Online Information Service.
National Bureau of Time Standards
National Bureau of Time Standards, gives you the exact time.
NASA Headline News
Daily press releases from NASA. (Finger server)
NASA SpaceLink
Latest NASA news, including shuttle launches and satellite updates.
National Education BBS
Education BBS. (Login: guest)
NASA Extragalactic Database. (Login: ned)
Given a name and org./school, finds a user for you (login: netfind)
Access to internet resources, Electronic. Publishing Service (Login: nicol)
Network Info. Center On-Line Aid System (Login: dftnic)
National Nuclear Data Center
Menu-driven access to Nat'l Space Science Data Center (Login: nodis) nssdc or nssdca.
Oceanic Info. Center
(Login: info)
NNTP News Servers
Telnetable access to post to the Usenet news Select NNTP Server #1, NNTP Server #2, or NNTP Server #3, or or NNTP Server #4.
Public-Access Unix
Free account, with access to various UNIX features. Available from: DU (login:new), Merit (login:newsuser), Ann Arbour (Which host: um-m-net Enter 'g' for guest. login: newuser).
Readers Guide
Readers Guide to periodical literature.
Recipe Archives
MANY food recipes. >From DEC or from Miami
SW Research Data Display & Analysis Center.
Access to nearly every listed service! (Login: services)
Software Server (ASK)
Offers software search. (Login/Password: ask)
Science/space bbs.
Space Physics Analysis Network (Login: SPAN_NIC)
Science & Technology Information System. (Login: public)
Excellent menu-driven information searches (of what?). (Login: supernet)
Supreme Court Rulings
Archive of ASCII files of Supreme Court rulings
UMD Info Database
Info. docs on many subjects, including Supreme Court Decisions (Login: info)
Access to Library of Congress and nationwide libraries (Login: bbs)
Wide Area Info. Service. (Login: wais). Select WAIStation #1, WAIStation #2, or WAIStation #3. See archive for more info on WAIS.
Weather Service
City/State forecasts, ski conditions, earthquake reports, etc.
Dictionary/Spelling service. Type "HELP" for info. (ALL CAPS!)
World Wide Webs
A login access point to the entire web of WWW, WAIS, Gopher, Archie and FTP data. (Login: WWW) Select World-Wide Web in Switzerland, USA (New Jersey), Israel, or and Finland.
ZIB Electronic Library
Library of software, links to other libraries. (Login: elib).
NOTE: NO LOGIN NAMES OR PASSWORDS ARE REQUIRED UNLESS STATED OTHERWISE. If it prompts you for a login name, you did something wrong, or are not running on a machine that the system you telnetted to supports.

Mail servers

C64 Archive Server
mail [email protected] Subject: Mail-Archive-Request Body-of-letter: help (hit return) end
Archie Mail Servers
mail archie@ Subject: help Offers: alterative Archie access to those w/o ftp or telnet.
FTP Mail
mail [email protected] Subject:(hit return) Body-of-letter: help (return) quit Offers:ftp via email
FTP Mail
mail [email protected] Body-of-letter: help or ftplist for a list of anon. ftp sites
Genetics Bank
mail [email protected] Subject: help Offers: genetic database accessable via email.
IP Address Resolver
mail [email protected] usage: in body-of-letter: site
Mails you IP address of site.
Mail Srver/Usr Lookup
mail [email protected] in body of mail message: send usenet-addresses/[name searching for(1 word)]
Music Newsletter
mail [email protected] (internet) or mail listserv@marist (bitnet). Body-of-letter: SUBSCRIBE UPNEWS Offers: Reviews, intviews.
mail [email protected] or mail [email protected] Subject:(hit return) Body-of-letter: send index Offers: Software thru email
News Mail Server
mail [newsgroup]@cs.utexas.edu Offers: Post to Usenet News via email. (eg. [newsgroup] = alt-bbs)
mail [email protected] The "Usenet Oracle" Mail with subject as "help" for more info.
Archive. Also mail [email protected] with "send index" as your msg. Many FAQ's, ftp lists, library and service lists, gov't documents.
Sid's Music Server
mail [email protected] Subject: BOOTHELP Offers: Lists of rare live recordings, cd's for sale.
StatLib Server
mail [email protected] Mail with line: send index. Offers: Prgms, Datasets, etc. for statisticians.

FTP Sites/Archives

Docs, 5 puritytests, the Bible, Dec. of Ind, lyrics..
Gifs archive, software for pc's, etc.
You name it, it's here!
Software for MS-Dos computers, Mac, Amiga, Apple2, Apollo...
A huge software archive for PCs and UNIX.
How-to's about internet (how to email, ftp, telnet, etc.) in /pub/nic

PLEASE email [email protected] if you have any additional info/corrections/comments!

Email me WITH THE SUBJECT 'inet' to get on my email distribution list to receive updates of the list via email (about every 1 to 2 weeks).