Adoption of ITS 1.0

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Articles, Papers and Presentations

The following is a list of presentations or articles about ITS 1.0 (most recent on top).


Examples of implementations of ITS can be found in the Test Suite page. It contains a list of example input files and their corresponding results in the Test Output format generated by the first three implementations listed below.

The following is a list of applications that implement one or more ITS data categories.


Spritser is an XSLT implementation of ITS for all data categories.

Created Sebastian Rahtz, Oxford University Computing Services



Support For Global Local
Translate Yes Yes
Localization Note Yes Yes
Terminology Yes Yes
Directionality Yes Yes
Ruby Yes Yes
Language Information Yes N/A
Elements Within Text Yes N/A

Rainbow's XML Filter

The Rainbow application implements an Okapi Filter API for XML and supports several ITS data categories. The filter is used to apply different utilities to the translatable parts of XML documents (for example: preparing for translation, extracting to XLIFF, doing machine translation, spell-checking, etc.)

Created by Yves Savourel, ENLASO Corporation for the Okapi Framework open-source project.

Filter information:


Support For Global Local
Translate Yes Yes
Localization Note Yes Yes
Terminology Yes Yes
Directionality No No
Ruby No No
Language Information No N/A
Elements Within Text Yes N/A


ITSImpl is a generic XSLT implementation of ITS for all data categories.

Created by Felix Sasaki, W3C.


Support For Global Local
Translate Yes Yes
Localization Note Yes Yes
Terminology Yes Yes
Directionality Yes Yes
Ruby Yes Yes
Language Information Yes N/A
Elements Within Text Yes N/A

ITS Test Page

The ITS Test page is a small Web interface to try out ITS on XML sample documents. It implements several data categories.

Create by ENLASO Corporation.



Support For Global Local
Translate Yes Yes
Localization Note Yes Yes
Terminology Yes Yes
Directionality No No
Ruby No No
Language Information No N/A
Elements Within Text Yes N/A


XTM is a Web-based translation tool system.

It is a product from XML-Intl.


(1): No XLink support in <its:rules> yet, but planned for the future releases.
(2): Support for local its:translate is planned for the future release.


Support For Global Local
Translate Yes(1) No(2)
Localization Note No No
Terminology No No
Directionality No No
Ruby No No
Language Information No N/A
Elements Within Text Yes N/A


If you have an application that implements ITS through either Conformance Type 1 (ITS Markup Declaration) or Conformance Type 2 (The Processing Expectations for ITS Markup), please let us know.

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