Web Services Task Force Face-to-Face
November 2002 Agenda

The first Face-to-Face meeting of the Web services and GEO Task Forces have been scheduled for 22-23 November, 2002, in Westborough, Massachusetts, (a suburb of Boston). This meeting will be hosted by webMethods. See here for details.


Time Friday, 22 November Saturday, 23 November
9.00 Welcome! Start: Summary of Fridays Acitivity
9.15 Discussion: WS Task Force
Getting Organized, including

teleconferences, editors, web site and cetera.

Planning for Requirements Documents
10.30 Break Break
11.00 Use Cases:
Collection, Planning, Discussion
Discussion: Activity Planning
12.30 Lunch Lunch
13.30 Contacting and Coordinating
with Web Services WGs

Review of WSWG activities to ensure coverage and planning for activities.

Use Case Discussion, Locales Discussion, WS Discussion. TBD.
15.00 Break Break
15.30 Locales:
Discussion of problems, proposals for activity.

May be coordinated with GEO FTF.

16.30 End of FTF
17.30 End of Day 1