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public class AttributeRegistry
extends Object

Constructor Index

 o AttributeRegistry()

Method Index

 o getAttributeClass(Class, String)
Get the name of the class that has declared this attribute.
 o getClassAttributes(Class)
Get this class declared attributes.
 o registerAttribute(Class, Attribute)
Register a new attribute for a given class.


 o AttributeRegistry
 public AttributeRegistry()


 o registerAttribute
 public static synchronized int registerAttribute(Class cls,
                                                  Attribute attr)
Register a new attribute for a given class. This method create the approrpriate attribute description record if required, and return the index of this attribute in the corresponding holder instances.

cls - The class that defines this attribute.
attr - The attribute to declare.
The attribute index.
 o getClassAttributes
 public static synchronized Attribute[] getClassAttributes(Class cls)
Get this class declared attributes.

cls - The class we are querying.
An array of Attribute instances, describing each of the attributes of all instances of the class, or null if the class hasn't defined any attributes.
 o getAttributeClass
 public static Class getAttributeClass(Class cls,
                                       String attrname)
Get the name of the class that has declared this attribute.

cls - The class that makes the starting point of lookup.
attr - The attribute we are looking for.
The name of the class that defined that attribute, or null.

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