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Class w3c.www.mime.MimeParser


public class MimeParser
extends Object
The MimeParser class parses an input MIME stream.

Variable Index

 o bsize
 o buffer
 o ch
 o factory
The factory used to create new MIME header holders.
 o input

Constructor Index

 o MimeParser(InputStream, MimeParserFactory)
Create an instance of the MIMEParser class.

Method Index

 o append(int)
 o expect(int)
 o getInputStream()
Get the message body, as an input stream.
 o main(String[])
 o parse()
 o parse822HeaderBody()
 o parse822HeaderName()
 o parse822Headers(MimeHeaderHolder)
 o parseToken(boolean)
 o read()
 o skipSpaces()
 o unread(int)


 o ch
 protected int ch
 o input
 protected InputStream input
 o buffer
 protected byte buffer[]
 o bsize
 protected int bsize
 o factory
 protected MimeParserFactory factory
The factory used to create new MIME header holders.


 o MimeParser
 public MimeParser(InputStream input,
                   MimeParserFactory factory)
Create an instance of the MIMEParser class.

in - The input stream to be parsed as a MIME stream.
factory - The factory used to create MIME header holders.


 o expect
 protected void expect(int car) throws MimeParserException, IOException
 o skipSpaces
 protected void skipSpaces() throws MimeParserException, IOException
 o append
 protected final void append(int c)
 o parse822HeaderName
 protected String parse822HeaderName() throws MimeParserException, IOException
 o parse822HeaderBody
 protected void parse822HeaderBody() throws MimeParserException, IOException
 o parseToken
 protected String parseToken(boolean lower) throws MimeParserException, IOException
 o parse822Headers
 protected void parse822Headers(MimeHeaderHolder msg) throws MimeParserException, IOException
 o parse
 public MimeHeaderHolder parse() throws MimeParserException, IOException
 o read
 public int read() throws IOException
 o unread
 public void unread(int ch)
 o getInputStream
 public InputStream getInputStream()
Get the message body, as an input stream.

The input stream used by the parser to get data, after a call to parse, this input stream contains exactly the body of the message.
 o main
 public static void main(String args[])

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