WARNING: For Archival/Historical Interest -- The following document dates from 1994 and has not been updated

World Wide Web People

This is a list of some of those who have contributed to the World Wide Web project beginning with its creation at CERN.

W3C People is the list of people at the World Wide Web Consortium.

Marc Andreesen

National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA), Urbana Champagne, IL, USA. Design lead and co-developer of XMosaic . <[email protected]>. (more)

Eelco van Asperen

Ported the line-mode browser the PC under PC-NFS; developed a curses version. <[email protected]>.

Carl Barker

Carl was at CERN for a six month period during his degree course at Brunel University, UK. Carl worked on the server side, on client authentication and multiple format handling.

Eric Bina

Worked on NCSA Mosaic and the HTMLWidget. (more)

Tim Berners-Lee

Please see W3C People, a list of people involved with the World Wide Web Consortium.

Thomas R Bruce

Formerly a staff member in charge of computer operations at the Cornell Law School, Tom is now a research associate working on a variety of projects involving the dissemination of legal information on the Internet. He is the author Cello, an all-singing, all-dancing WWW browser for Microsoft Windows. E-mail:[email protected].

Robert Cailliau

Formerly in programming language design and compiler construction, Robert has been interested in document production since 1975, when he designed and implemented a widely used document markup and formatting system. He ran CERN's Office Computing Systems group from 87 to 89. He is a long-time user of Hypercard, which he used to such diverse ends as writing trip reports, games, bookkeeping software, and budget preparation forms. Robert is mainly supporting physics experiments with WWW. There are more personal data, CERN coordinates Be aware of his agenda .

Dan Connolly

Please see W3C People, a list of people involved with the World Wide Web Consortium.

Peter Dobberstein

While at the DESY lab in Hamburg (DE), Peter did the port of the line-mode browser onto MVS and, indirectly, VM/CMS. These were the most difficult of the ports to date. He also overcame many incidental problems in making a large amount of information in the DESY database available.

"Erwise" team

Kim Nyberg, Teemu Rantanen, Kati Suominen and Kari Syd{nmaanlakka ('{' is 'a' with two dots above it.. we must get some character set description into HTML!) (under the supervision of Ari Lemmke) are "Erwise". At Helsinki Technical University, they are writing a Motif-based WWW browser (editor? we can hope...) for their undergraduate final year project. The team can be reached as [email protected] and Ari as [email protected].

Alain Favre

Alain is an undergraduate working with ECP/PT on a browser for Windows on PCs. Phone: 8265, no email yet. In CERN mostly in the afternoons.

Roy Fielding

Please see W3C People, a list of people involved with the World Wide Web Consortium.

David Foster

With wide experience in networking, and a current conviction information systems and PC/Windows being the way of the future, Dave is having a go at a MS-Windows browser/editor. Dave also has a strong interest in server technology and intelligent information retrieval algorithms.

Henrik Frystyk

Please see W3C People, a list of people involved with the World Wide Web Consortium.

Jean-Francois Groff

During his stay at CERN as "cooperant", J-F joined the project in September 1991. He wrote the gateway to the VMS Help system , worked on a new modular browser architecure, and helped support and present WWW at all levels. He later as consultant ported the communications code to DECnet in order to set up servers for physics experiments., and helped the Danish Technical Library set up their W3 server. JF also worked for NeXT Europe. He now is a consultant in networked information systems (Contact) [email protected]

Tony Johnson

Tel: (415) 926 2278, [email protected].

Designer of MidasWWW . Boston University, collaborating with SLAC, SSC, etc. A SLAC server expert and a WWWizard .

John Kilburg

Wrote an Athena-based WWW browser named Chimera. Chimera uses a modification of the NCSA HTML widget to display HTML. In real life he is the system programmer for the Department of Physics at UNLV.

Paul Kunz

Paul took the W3 word across to SLAC, installed the clients and inspired the setting up of servers by the WWWizards. Paul spreads enthusiasm for all sort of good ideas such as OO programming, NeXTs, etc...

Willem van Leeuwen

at NIKHEF, WIllem put up many servers and has provided much useful feedback about the w3 browser code.

Ari Luotonen

A Technical Student at CERN, in the project from July 1993 until July 1994. He is a Software Engineering major at Tampere University of Technology, Finland. Ari has written most of the CERN httpd, especially the caching proxy support. In addition he has implemented numerous CGI applications, most famous being the WIT - W3 Interactive Talk. Ari is currently working at Mosaic Communications Corporation. See also his CV.

Lindsay Marshall

Author of an http server written in tcl/tk called Jungle

Jon Mittelhauser

Works on NCSA Mosaic for MS Windows. ( more )

Lou Montulli

Before WWW: After WWW:

[email protected]

Lou is the author of "Lynx", a curses based hypertext browser, and Lynx 2.0 which is a WWW browser. He is a student/employee of the University of Kansas and is actively spreading the WWW word to whoever will listen. Picture .

Nicola Pellow

With the project from November 1990 to August 1991, and October 1992 to ??. A graduate of Leicester Polytechnic, UK, Nicola wrote the original line mode browser . ( More ). Nicola is now (Oct 92) working on the Mac browser .

Bernd Pollermann

Bernd is responsible for the "XFIND" indexes on the CERNVM node, for their operation and, largely, their contents. Bernd is in the AS group of CN division. He has contributed code for the FIND server which allows hypertext access to this large store of information.

Phone: 2407, Office: 513-1-16, Email: [email protected]

Steve Putz

Created custom gateway servers to other information sources. (more)

Dave Raggett

Please see W3C People, a list of people involved with the World Wide Web Consortium.

Tony Sanders

Member of Technical Staff at Berkeley Software Design, Inc. currently doing software development, customer support and maintaining the BSDI WWW server (with ambitions of online manuals and technical support via the Web). Developed the Plexus HTTP server (based on the server from cs.indiana.edu ), there are some demos available online. Network connectivity is via a 56K link to Alternet in Austin, Texas. Can be reached by Phone: 1-512-251-1937. See hyplan.

Arthur Secret

Please see W3C People, a list of people involved with the World Wide Web Consortium.

Chuck Shotton

Assistant Director, Academic Computing, U. of Texas Health Science Center Houston <[email protected]> (713) 794-5650. Author of the MacHTTP, the W3 server for the Macintosh.

Jonathan Streets

Online Support group, FNAL. Jonathan put up a VMS server using DCL and later C. He helped debug the Mac browser.

Nathan Torkington

"Gnat" has put up all kinds of useful things on the web, and contributed such things as an HTML to TeX converter. (More)

Aleksander Totic

Develops Mac Mosaic. (more)

Pei Wei

Pei is the author of " Viola", a hypertext browser, and the ViolaWWW variant which is a WWW browser. He was at the University of California at Berkeley, Experimental Computing Facility, now full time with O'Reilly and Associates, Sebastopol, CA, USA. Email: [email protected]

Bebo White

One of the WWWizards at SLAC, Bebo enthusiastically spreads the word. During a short stay at CERN in summer 1992, Bebo put up a number of servers for information from the Aleph experiment.

James Whitescarver

New Jersey Institute of Technology. Author of the curses based W3 client, and of a number of server tools. Email: [email protected]

Chris Wilson

Chris works on NCSA Mosaic and Windows NT Mosaic. ( more )

Created May 1994
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