Philippe Le Hégaret

32 Vassar Street • W3C/MIT 32-G528 • Cambridge, MA, 02139, • +1.617.258.0992[email protected]

Employment History

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Sophia Antipolis, France (at the French National Institute For Research In Computer Science And Control), 1999

Cambridge, MA, USA (at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology), January 2000 - present

Domain Leader, Interaction Domain (2008 – present)

Lead W3C Interaction Domain, containing 8 Activities (Graphics, HTML, Internationalization, Math, Rich Web Client, Style, Video in the Web, XForms, Fonts, Web Testing)

Manage Interaction Team

Serve on the W3C Management team

Domain Leader, Architecture Domain (2003 – 2008)

Lead W3C Architecture Domain, containing 5 Activities (Extensible Markup Language (XML), Web Services, Document Object Model (DOM), Internationalization, Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI))

Chair of, Team Contact for W3C Working Groups, Coordination Groups (1999 – present)

Coordination Group — formed of Chairs of all Working Groups within one Activity. Provides forum in which to facilitate communication across Working Groups.

Working Group — formed of representatives from Member companies plus a W3C Team Contact.  Provides forum for negotiation regarding a specific technology.  Final deliverable is an industry-wide specification.

Chair Of:

As Chair:

Team Contact for:

As Team Contact:

Specification Editor (2000 – 2004)

Developer (1997(intern), 1999 – 2003)


Sophia Antipolis, France (at the French National Institute For Research In Computer Science And Control)

Intern - Applied Research (1998)


Master of Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering SciencesUniversity of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (1998)

Bachelor of Sciences, Computer Science - University of Nice Sophia-Antipolis (1997)