- This version:
- http://www.w3.org/People/Reagle/work-style.html
- Author
- Joseph Reagle <[email protected]>
- Acknowledgements
- Dan Connolly, Ian Jacobs
This is a description of my work style, very much influenced by working at
the W3C -- though sometimes I slip up.
- Management and process should
be tools for the worker, not a hindrance. Management should set goals,
clear the path, and provide the resources to get the job done. Process
should be collected experience/wisdom instead of arbitrary rules.
- I document my expectations,
dependencies and requirements, and I try to extract clear comitments from others. I've probably read your
email, and I try to frequently refer to your Web
pages, but I'm not reading your mind. Make sure your pages say what you
mean and get an affirmative response or commitment from me if you want to be sure I
- I frequently refer to resources (web
pages or email archives) when I wish to discuss specifications, policies,
expectations, discussions, and agreements. I prefer specific references
and citations over unsubstantiated claims and hand-waving. While this is
a habit that takes some time to implement efficiently, it also saves the
reader time by requiring precision by the author, saves everyone time by
reducing ambiguity, and even saves the author time by reducing
redundancy: once something is written, it need not be written again.
References and citation by myself should not be interpreted as
aggressiveness or defensiveness, but completeness.
- I take and give action items; action
items have an action, name, and completion date.
- A commitment is an agreement
by an entity that is accountable. As stated, an action
item commitment is associated with a name, not "someone" (never gets
done) or "one of them" (not very fair to the other people and decreases
the likelihood of the action).
- I work to meet my commitments, if I can't I
will say so as soon as I know. Not being able to do something is fine,
just say so. Then one can re-prioritize, re-negotiate, or re-assign that
commitment. Letting something go to completion date and fail is bad; it
could've been discussed but now all dependencies are thrown off.
- All topics, issues, resources and chains of command should have a
single owner: a point of contact and
accountability. That is not to say one can't delegate subsequent
- When coming to a group decision, I aim for rough
consensus. I try to achieve consensus through discussion (structured
by good mediation) and then polling the group for some formulation of the
policy that is agreeable. Asking the right question of the group can be
difficult, but part of coming to consensus is discovering the right
question to ask.
- While I believe consensus is important, sometimes it can't be readily
achieved. Then, I believe the owner of an issue has
the final say, they ultimately get the credit or blame (though everybody who
contributes deserves a share of the credit and responsibility). If I
can't do it, I will get out of the way. This is not to say I think others
will do a bad job. If I disagree with someone else who is more
knowledgeable and motivated, I will offer my input and let them succeed
on their own terms.
- I feel responsible for
decisions to which I made a contribution (either I own the issue or was
part of reaching consensus). I don't like to do things that I disagree
with or don't understand.
- If I don't understand what you mean, show me what you mean. If I can't
explain my position I will provide a proposal, example,or solution that
shows what I mean.
- Practice is improved by writing a policy/proposal and then discussing, implementing,
and amending it based on discussion and experience. Even if the original
policy is lame, by writing it down and normatively referring to it, one
encourages improvement since others will then be able to propose
improvements. Frequently, practices are not documented by their immediate
users since they know what works for them. When they interact with
others, this is a good time to write up the best practices so others can
understand and suggest improvements.
- I endeavor to always be open to
constructive criticism and suggestion, but I can get frustrated if things
aren't jiving with my work style.
- And lastly — and frankly — I try to avoid work. We all have too much to do, but I believe in
maxims like, "do one thing and do it well," or "make commitments one can
keep, and keep the commitments one makes." Over comittment and burn-out
help no one, particularly one's self. Following this work style helps me
avoid that, and it can help you too.
While I think many of these points are laudable I don't believe this is
the only acceptable work style. However, I've documented my expectations and
if we differ I apply these principles meta-recursively: we need to negotiate
as to how to best work together! ;-)
Last Edited by [email protected] on
#Date: 1999/05/12 18:09:51#