Chairs: Donald Eastlake and Joseph Reagle
Note Taker: Joseph Reagle [text]
- Donald Eastlake, Motorola
- Joseph Reagle, W3C
- John M. Boyer, PureEdge
- Ed Simon , Entrust Technologies Inc.
- Mark Bartel, JetForm
Status of documents < 5 minutes
Canonicalization < 15 minutes
- Boyer: would like implementors to confirm if his examples operate in the
new spec the way implemenations do.
- Namespaces: Kent asked about rational for namespace reduction, Boyer
responded on list and in Last
Call Issues.
- Whitespace: addressed in Last
Call Issues. Presently, this can invite a ton of trouble that people
aren't keen to get into right now.
- DOMHASH: some discussion, not a lot of interest presently. DOMHASH
should work with present canonicalizations.
Content Model
- Moved Transforms content model to ElementOnly.
- Merlin posted a summary
of options.
- Bartel prefer 2.
- ACTION: Reagle, email poll of which option people want.
- ACTION: Reagle, get Brian/Barb to tweak text once resolved..
RetrievalMethod Type
- No one opposed to making Type optional subsequent to Reagle's
argument: since its not associated with mandatory behaviour, why make
it mandatory when it can also constrain people in ways that don't benefit
- Eastlake wants to tweak KeyInfo example of 4.4.4. ACTION Eastlake: send
to Reagle this afternoon.
- Boyer: Include in STATUS: Implementors should take special note of the
here() function, it's not the same as the XPointer for which a few
questions have been raised and the XLink WG is looking at but haven't
responded to yet.
- Simon: We're trying to organize an XML Encryption meeting, looking at
the end of October (week of October 30th).
- Boyer (and others): later in week would be better for those adults who
have children (and those adults who still enjoy Halloween themselves :)