Will request a Proposed REC review from W3C Director shortly (assuming base64 schema data type is satisfactorily resolved.)
We receieved a response from the Schema WG, with four questions:
Response: Agree.
Response: Agree
Response: someone has to do it, all things being equal (assuming not too much of a burden on schema and recognizing applications that don't use schema validation will still have to check) we prefer schema enforce this.
Respose: Option A: 76 characters from the base64 alphabet, then a newline sequence; repeat as needed; last line of more than 0, less than 76 characters, also terminated by newline sequence,
Reagle: Are people ok with Suggested additions to 3.0 Processing Rules section.
Hughes, will look at it, but no one has any problems yet.
Reagle: I propose the requirement it be as or faster (or no more complex) than Canonical XML.
(Discussion on whether the original position of the namespace declaration is available in the XPath data model: no).
Boyer: the present processing requires you to look down as well.
Hughes: does it in two passes
ACTION Hughes: post data on performance of canonicalization versus parsing, and Canonical XML and Exclusive Canonicalization as presently specified. (Reagle: we might be barking up the wrong tree, might not be able to make it that much faster.)
Eastlake: in present proposal, should we elevate the namespace appearence to the highest place possible? Boyer: that sounds costly.
ACTION Reagle: write proposal akin to:
(Action complete <smile/> please send comments to list).