<p>this is a paragraph </p>
<p>this is a longer paragraph</p>
<p>this is the longest paragraph</p>
Can use XPath ' /child::para[position()=2]
Now if someone inserts text resulting in a new document
<p>this is a paragraph </p>
<p>new paragraph this is </p>
<p>this is a longer paragraph</p>
<p>this is the longest paragraph</p>
The signature would break. Is this a good thing or bad thing? If you permit something like:
<p>this is a paragraph </p>
<?dsig type="begin" id="1">
<p>this is a longer paragraph</p>
<?dsig type="end" id="1">
<p>this is the longest paragraph</p>
and use
Your signature might be less likely to break.
The breaking or keeping of the signature is a good/bad thing as defined by the application. Boyer's closure requirement means that applications have the expressitivity/power to define whether its a good or bad thing.