Status: This document (20020607) is the W3C XML Signature Working Group (WG) Charter and is an updated version of the (20011017) version that governed until March 2002.
The Working Group has completed advancement of the XML Signature , Canonicalization, and Exclusive Canonicalization Recommendations. There is a new version of the XPath filter being developed as a separate specification. Consequently, this update to the charter:
Digital signatures provide integrity, signature assurance and non-repudiatability over Web data. Such features are especially important for documents that represent commitments such as contracts, price lists, and manifests. In view of recent Web technology developments, the proposed work will address the digital signing of documents (any Web resource addressable by a URI) using XML syntax. This capability is critical for a variety of electronic commerce applications, including payment tools.
The mission of this working group is to develop a XML compliant syntax for representing signatures over Web resources and portions of protocol messages (anything that can be referenced by a URI) and procedures for computing and verifying such signatures. Such signatures will be able to provide data integrity, authentication, and/or non-repudiatability. The meaning of the signature is very simple: The XML signature syntax associates the cryptographic signature value with Web resources using XML markup. The meaning of the signature may be extensible by a set of semantics specified separately.
The core scope of this activity will be in specifying the necessary data model, syntax, and processing to bind a cryptographic signature to a resource in XML.
The working group will focus on:
The following requirements must be met by the WG:
The working group will not address the following issues:
The specifications have many implementations and users.
Please see the Working Group Overview for completed deliverables. All of the following deliverables can be published as IETF Informational RFCs at individuals' discretion.
This working group will deliver the following:
The following dates have been updated in June 2002 and extends the life of the WG (for 8 months) until December 2002.
The Working Group can decide to parallelize more tasks by forming subgroups. The Working Group can also decide to reschedule tasks that do not have to meet deadlines imposed by other groups. However, the schedule must fit into the total timeframe given above.
Note that delay of deliverables can be a reason for the Working Group to be terminated.
This charter, the WG web page, and the mailing list and archives will be
publicly accessible.
The Working Group should ensure its final deliverable is known to and reviewed by users of the present specifications.
Working group members are expected to participate in an electronic mailing list, periodic teleconferences and face-to-face meetings. The sole WG consensus venue is the mailing list.
NOTE: The proceedings of this Working Group are public.
In order to maintain shared context of the group and to provide access to the proceedings of the group, the Chair maintains a web page at
Active participants are expected to have ready access to this page and be familiar with its contents.
Participants must subscribe to and participate in the [email protected] mailing list. The archive is .
There are expected to be teleconferences held every few weeks at a time set by the Chair. The exact frequency of calls will be determined by working group consensus.
The Chair is responsible for producing an agenda at least 24 hours in advance of each call, posting it along with the call details to the mailing list, and causing minutes of the call to be posted promptly after the call.
No further face to face meetings are expected.
Meeting notice, advance agenda, and posting of minutes shall follow W3C timing rules.
This working group is public.
Working group members must disclose intellectual properties "that are
reasonably and personally known" to be relevant to this WG in accordance with
IETF (RFC2026)
and W3C procedure;
including notice and disclosure of such information to the WG, <[email protected]>
and the IETF
Executive Director.
Participation in the working group is open. Participation is expected to take a minimum of 15% of the participants time. The XML-DSig WG will be co-chaired by Donald Eastlake III (IBM) and Joseph Reagle (W3C). Each co-chair is expected to devote 20% of his time to this activity.
The XML-DSig Staff Contact will be
Joseph Reagle and his staff contact duties are expected to take 15% of his
time. The staff contact is partly responsible for coordinating dependencies
and requirements from the W3C Director and other activities. Further details
on the Staff Contact
and Chair roles can be
found the W3C Guidebook for
Working Group Chairs.