W3C: Style workshop participants

W3C workshop on style sheets, November 6-7, 1995, Paris. Also see the agenda and the report on the 1st day and the 2nd day.

A list of participants, with e-mail and home-pages where known.

  1. Jaaheimo Jukka (Nokia) [email protected]
  2. Chris Lilley (Univ. Manchester) [email protected] http://info.mcc.ac.uk/CGU/staff/lilley
  3. Thomas Reardon (Microsoft) [email protected]
  4. Jeff Yemin (EBT) [email protected],
  5. Paul Rohr (Spyglass) [email protected]
  6. Anders Berglund (EBT) [email protected]
  7. Sharon Adler (EBT) [email protected],
  8. Harry Gaylord (Univ. Groningen) [email protected] http://www.let.rug.nl/~galiard/
  9. Yves Lafon (W3C) [email protected],
  10. Steven Pemberton (CWI) [email protected] http://www.cwi.nl/~steven,
  11. David Siegel (David Siegel) [email protected] http://www.dsiegel.com
  12. Dan Connolly (W3C) [email protected] http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly
  13. James Clark (James Clark) [email protected] http://www.jclark.com
  14. Håkon Lie (W3C) [email protected]
  15. Cecile Roisin (IMAG) [email protected],
  16. Kevin Hughes (EIT) [email protected]
  17. Dave Raggett (W3C) [email protected],
  18. William Perry (Compuserve) [email protected]
  19. George Williams (Navisoft) [email protected] http://gore.navisoft.com/gww/
  20. Glenn Adams (Stonehand) [email protected] http://www.stonehand.com
  21. Bert Bos (W3C) [email protected],
  22. Louis Weitzman (MIT) [email protected]
  23. Wim Lybaert (Vrije Univ. Brussels) http://dinf.vub.ac.be
  24. Terry Swack (Terry Swack Design Associates) [email protected] http://www.tsdesign.com/
  25. Jean-François Abramatic (W3C/INRIA) [email protected]

W3C Bert Bos, 28 Nov 1995