The style declarations which apply to the text below are:

.one {border-left-width: 25px; border-style: solid;}
.two {border-left-width: thin; border-style: solid;}
.three {border-left-width: 25px;}

This element has a class of one. However, it contains an inline element of class two, which should result in a thin solid border on the left side of the first box in the inline element (and the UA's default border on the other three sides). There is also an inline element of class three, which should have no left border width or visible border because no border style was set.

TABLE Testing Section

This element has a class of one. However, it contains an inline element of class two, which should result in a thin solid border on the left side of the first box in the inline element (and the UA's default border on the other three sides). There is also an inline element of class three, which should have no left border width or visible border because no border style was set.