See also the old way.
The following quote should be in red with a red border with rounded corners. Don't worry if you don't see the rounded corners; they are at this time (January 2004) only a proposed property for CSS3 and unlikely to work, except in experimental browsers.
This is an uninteresting quote. But at least it is signed.
This one should have a blurry drop shadow (blur radius 0.3em) extending about 0.5em below and to the right of the quote's box. This also is so far only proposed for CSS3:
This is an uninteresting quote. But at least it is signed.
And the third one combines the rounded corners with an equally rounded blurry drop shadow:
This is an uninteresting quote. But at least it is signed.
Created 6 Jan 2004;
Last updated Wed 06 Jan 2021 05:40:49 AM UTC