Bert Bos & Eva Kasal | CSS3 in Style
Examples of regions are:
CSS Regions proposes two new features:
#article { grid: "A A e" "A A e" "b b e" "c d e"; chains: b c d e }
<div id=article> <h1>Introduction</h1> <p><img src="sunset" alt=""> <p>This is an example… <h1>More Details</h1> <p>This illustrates… <p>Then, the example… <p>Finally, this… </div>
Note how the 2nd P starts in region b in large & bold and continues in region c with normal style
p::flow(b) { font-weight: bold; font-size: 120% }
@region ::slot(b) { p { font-weight: bold; font-size: 120% } }
Named flows:
Region-based styling
Note: These do not actually support regions yet, but require (empty) elements or iframes in the HTML.