From [email protected] Mon Oct 16 13:06:57 1995 Article: 9563 of comp.infosystems.www.announce From: [email protected] (Murray Altheim) Subject: SOFTWARE: HTML.edit 1.7.2 for Macintosh Date: Wed, 11 Oct 95 01:39:12 MET #### Description **** HTML.edit Version 1.7.2 Copyright 1995 by Murray M. Altheim, Equinox Development. All Rights Reserved. The author retains all intellectual property rights to this product and its documentation. HTML.edit is a freeware, Macintosh-based editor for the HyperText Markup Language, the text-based coding used for documents on World Wide Web (WWW). HTML.edit incorporates many time-saving features for not only HTML coding but document management as well. It is designed to become a master archive of a server's documents, with the ability to simplify global changes and updates. HTML.edit supports production of documents that conform to the HTML 2.0 DTD (Document Type Definition) levels 0, 1 and 2, including support for forms and HTML 3.0 tables. HTML.edit is freeware. HTML.edit may be freely distributed in its unmodified, compressed archive state. HTML.edit is not to be redis- tributed with commercial applications or in commercial CD-ROM archives without the express, written consent of the author. Please read the Legaleze section under HTML.edit Help for further information regarding usage, copyrights, credits and distribution. #### Availability **** Version 1.7.x includes many new features over previous versions, including new conversion, customization, and document management commands. Version 1.7.2 is an interim release incorporating bug fixes for versions 1.7/1.7.1 plus some new customization features. Informa- tion on extended development history, known bugs and fixes, and downloading the current version is available at Three versions are available, depending on platform: `HTMLedit172-fat.hqx' for Macintosh (680x0) or Power Macintosh `HTMLedit172-ppc.hqx' for Power Macintosh (only) `HTMLedit172-68k.hqx' for Macintosh (680x0) Info-Mac will be carrying the 68k and ppc-only versions. Please email any comments or problems you find with this version to the author at: [email protected] -- __________________________________________________________________ Murray M. Altheim, Information Systems Analyst National Technology Transfer Center, Wheeling, West Virginia email: [email protected]