From [email protected] Mon Aug 14 15:14:48 1995
Article: 10419 of alt.hypertext
From: [email protected] (Daniel P. Dion)
Subject: Re: Convert html to text
Date: Mon, 07 Aug 1995 20:45:10

HTMLCon converts HTML/HTM files to standard ASCII files, making them ready  
for viewing, editing or printing with standard DOS, OS/2 or Windows tools.  
HTMLCon operates under MSDOS or under any program capable of providing an 
MSDOS session and using COMMAND.COM as a command interpreter.  After 
processing the input document, output will be displayed on a viewer or 
editor of your choice, or printed if you choose.

HTMLCON is available by WWW
or FTP to

From [email protected] Wed May 24 17:49:07 1995
Article: 30739 of comp.infosystems.www.misc
From: [email protected] (Mike Kelleher)
Subject: ANNOUNCE: HTMLCon 2.00 - HTML to ASCII Conversion Utility
Date: Wed, 24 May 95 01:59:26 GMT-1:00
Organization: Satore Township

Program Overview:

HTMLCon converts HTML documents to standard ASCII files for viewing,
editing or printing.  HTMLCon operates under MSDOS or under any
program capable of providing an MSDOS session, such as Windows, WFW,
or OS/2.

What's New:

Version 2.0 of HTMLCon has been released.  This version adds more
processing power, more user-definable options and special character

About the Program:

HTMLCon recognizes HTML symbology through HTML+ level as of this date.
It will automatically detect HTML files created in either an MSDOS or
UNIX environment and process them correctly.  HTMLCon will attempt to
process the raw HTML file such that the output is as readable as
possible, eliminating unfavorable formatting to every extent
practical.  Output may then be viewed, edited or printed as desired
with the user's favorite text editor or viewer, automatically loaded
by HTMLCon.  In addition, HTMLCon allows for automatic modification of
the output by user preferences stated in the HTMLCon control file.
HTMLCon can be operated in an interactive mode or without intervention
from the MSDOS command line or within an OS/S or WINDOWS environment.
It can process any length HTML document.

This product is available at the following site as HTMLCO20.ZIP as
well as public sites such as SimTel:

   Satore Township - a retreat on the shores of the internet . . .
            P.O. Box 750836, Petaluma, CA. 94975-0836

From [email protected] Wed Mar 29 14:00:05 1995
Article: 22731 of comp.infosystems.www.users
From: [email protected] (Mike Kelleher)
Subject: ANNOUNCE: HTMLCon v1.70 HTML to ASCII Converter
Date: 27 Mar 1995 19:10:06 -0800

Program Overview:

HTMLCon converts HTML documents to standard ASCII files for viewing,
editing or printing.  HTMLCon operates under MSDOS or under any program
capable of providing an MSDOS session, such as Windows, WFW, or OS/2.

What's New:

Version 1.7 of HTMLCon has been released.  This version adds more
flexibility in defining conversion tactics and permits processing
multiple input files during a single session.  Options are available
to preserve HREF anchors, eliminate (in total or selectively) any
HTMLCon reference markers, and preserve the original formatting
used by the author of the HTML page.  More flexibility was added in
defining input/output filenames.  Other enhancements and fixes.

About the Program:

HTMLCon recognizes HTML symbology through HTML+ level as of this date.
It will automatically detect HTML files created in either an MSDOS or
UNIX environment and process them correctly.  HTMLCon will attempt to
process the raw HTML file such that the output is as readable as
possible, eliminating unfavorable formatting to every extent practical.
Output may then be viewed, edited or printed as desired with the user's
favorite text editor or viewer, automatically loaded by HTMLCon.  In
addition, HTMLCon allows for automatic modification of the output by
user preferences stated in the HTMLCon control file. HTMLCon can be
operated in an interactive mode or without intervention from the MSDOS
command line.  It can process any length HTML document.

This product is available at the following site as either HTMLCON.ZIP or
HTMLCO16.ZIP, or at SimTel and other archives as HTMLCO16.ZIP:


   Satore Township - a retreat on the shores of the internet . . .
            P.O. Box 750836, Petaluma, CA. 94975-0836
   WWW ->
   FTP ->