From [email protected] Wed Jan 10 10:13:19 1996 Article: 12637 of comp.infosystems.www.announce From: [email protected] Subject: SOFTWARE: HTMLDBF.EXE converts HTML-pages into DBF-files (dBase III+) Date: Tue, 2 Jan 96 02:35:46 MET HTMLDBF.EXE is selfextracting (< 120 kb) and contains the DOS-program "INTERDBF" for the platforms DOS, Windows or OS/2. INTERDBF converts HTML-pages into DBF-files (dBase III+). An example is included: the stock prices of the Vienna Stock Exchange. It's prepared for HTML-page Copy HTMLDBF.EXE from ftp-server at Best regards, Roland Poetscher from Linz/Austria