From [email protected] Tue Aug 8 13:02:05 1995 Article: 2141 of comp.infosystems.www.authoring.misc From: [email protected] (Ron Loewy) Subject: Re: HTML -> HLP tool. Date: 3 Aug 1995 07:56:06 -0400 Organization: HyperAct, Inc. We have a tool called HTMheLp which is in late beta - it does the HTML -> WinHelp conversion. The release is scheduled for 2 weeks from now. You can find more on our home page under the "New & Exciting" link. Ron. -- Ron Loewy, HyperAct, Inc. +1 (319) 351 8413 | [email protected] Author of HLPDK/PA, CatMake, Interactive Help and PASTERP. Visit our home page at .