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WAI UA Telecon for May 31st, 2001

Chair: Jon Gunderson
Date: Thursday, 31 May 2001
Time: 2:00-4:00 pm Eastern Standard Time, USA
Call-in: Longfellow Bridge (+1) (617) 252-1038


Review Action Items





Chair:Jon Gunderson

Scribe: Ian Jacobs

Glenn Gordon (Freedom - Scientific, [email protected])
Hans Riesebos (Alva, [email protected])
Aaron Smith (GW-Micro, [email protected])
Randy Marsden (Madenta, [email protected])
Mark Nelson (AI-squared, [email protected])
Loretta Guarino (Adobe, [email protected])
Charles McCathieNevile
David Poehlman
Harvey Bingham
Jim Allan
Mickey Quenzer
Denis Anson
Rich Schwerdtfeger

Eric Hansen
Tim Lacy

Action Item Summary

Open Action Items

  1. IJ: Coordinate usability testing of the guidelines (JRG volunteers to be one of the testers).
    Source: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2001JanMar/0137
  2. JG: Organize a teleconference to address 4.6 and invite media people to attend.
    For example: Rob Lanphier of RealNetworks, Kathy Demaree of Microsoft (she is in charge of accessibility for the WMP), Geoff Freed, and Cindy King.
  3. RS: Send pointer to information about universal access gateway to the WG.
    Source: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/w3c-wai-ua/2001JanMar/0258
  4. GR: Review event checkpoints for techniques
  5. GR: Rewrite different markup (list of elements) that 2.9 applies to, for clarification.

New Action Items

  1. IJ: Add AT developers on the call today and Loretta to the mailing list

Completed Action Items

  1. none


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