Blog - 2007
The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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SAXing up the Markup Validator: from Validator to Conformance Checker
By: Olivier Thereaux
One of the main weaknesses of the Markup Validator is, it's a validator. That is, it compares documents to a machine-readable grammar of the markup language in use. The faster, leaner architecture we have been working on in the past months finally make it possible to check conformance criteria beyond the mere grammar-based validation. But would the validator still be a validator?
Meet the HTML Working Group chairs in Austin at SxSWi
By: Dan Connolly
I enjoyed living in Austin and I like to visit when I can. My last trip was more for MIT research stuff; this time it's W3C business. I took SxSWi 2007 off my travel schedule when the TAG scheduled a...
- austin
- html
- microformat
- sxsw
- w3c
- xhtml
Watch Out The HTML Page
By: Karl Dubost
In this new space, the HTML home page, I intend to give you information about HTML development as much as possible. I will try to create a space where people will find valuable information about the HTML Working Group work....
- html
W3C Launches New HTML Working Group
By: Karl Dubost
W3C is pleased to announce the new HTML Working Group, chartered to create the next HTML standard with the active participation of browser vendors, software developers, and content designers. "It's time to revisit the standard and see what we can...
- html