Blog - 2007
The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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This is page 14, displaying results 131-140
When to standardize, especially an RDF API
The HTML 4.01 specification has an IMG element, but there is no normative dependency on the PNG or GIF or JPEG specifications. "What good is an HTML user agent that doesn't support GIFs?!?" you might ask. And you wouldn't be...
- ietf
- quality
- rdf
- semantic-web
- sparql
- w3c
- web-architecture
W3C is hiring!
There are 4 positions open right now at W3C. It is rare enough to be noted. You are encouraged to send your resume to the appropriate person (not to me). Women applications are welcome. Web Accessibility Engineer Voice Browser Specialist...