Blog - 2007
The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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TPAC 2007 - W3C meets the Web community
Many W3C Working Groups are meeting from Monday 5 to Saturday 10 November 2007. It is a unique opportunity for the individual participating in these groups to coordinate, socialize, know each others better. Among the attendees will be engineers and...
- conference
- tpac
- tpac2007
- w3c
- working-group
Setting the default style sheet language on your Web site
Very often Web creators are using an external style sheet, or a style element to add style information to their html pages. By doing, we specify what is the style language used in the Web page. For example using the...
- css
- html
- http
- tutorial
Video on the Web
W3C will be looking at the impact and challenges of video on the Web in the upcoming months and will have a workshop on Video on the Web. So, if you have a strong opinion about what should happen at that workshop (or what shouldn't), don't hesitate to contact us.
- video
Log Validator 1.2: new features we didn't know we wanted.
On the occasional benefit of opening a mostly-internal tool to some odd feature request: a new Log Validator sees the day, with plenty of bugs fixed.