A story about namespaces, MIME types, and URIs
Part of Web Architecture
Noone seems to know where the story begins; Ian Jacobs reminded me about magic namespaces as I enjoyed breakfast on Thursday; Steven Pemberton and Bert Bos had told it to him, perhaps prompted by Ian Hickson's question in the URI-based extensibility panel the day before: how do we make namespaces usable by HTML authors?
On Saturday, I took an action in the HTML Working Group discussion of ARIA to write it up. Little did I know that by the time I got back to the office, Norm would have written up Implicit Namespaces for me.
Thanks, Norm!
So... what are your thoughts on Ian Hickson's question, "how do we make namespaces usable by HTML authors?" That's my biggest issue. It's a pretty dense topic to get your head around... little alone teach to someone else.
Good question. I think I can see the answer, but I won't be sure until I can write it up. Here's hoping I find time soon...