RIF WG status

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The RIF WG has been together for over a year now, with four face to face meetings under our belts. As one of the larger, if not largest, W3C working groups, initial progress was extremely slow, as the "getting to know you" process was longer as well as the "understanding what we're doing" by doing it process. The status of the WG so far:

  • The Use Cases and Requirements document is near final form. We expect the next working draft around the end of Feb, and do not expect substantial changes after that.
  • The RIF CORE spec is shaping up. Each week we are closer to understanding what it will be, and we expect the first CORE spec working draft also around the end of Feb. I will post more on the CORE specifics so far.

The expectation is that at the next RIF f2f meeting (Feb 27-29), the WG will approve these two WDs for public release.

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