Blog - 2008
The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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CSS Validator Translation - Polish and Chinese translators wanted!
The last time we gave news about the W3C CSS validator on this space was already over a year ago, for the "fuji release". No news since then? That doesn't mean there has been no progress. Far from it, actually:...
- chinese
- css
- polish
- translations
- validator
- w3c
- web-design
link test suite
Building a web spider or link checker isn't as simple as the number of existing instances seem to show. Lots of things to check, from the many html attributes to the intricacies of HTTP's Content-Location. In order to see a little more clearly in all this, here comes the mini "Link Test Suite".
- http
IE8 versioning snowstorm
By: Karl Dubost
keeping track on what is being said about IE8 and opt-in versioning mechanism.
- html
- html5
- implementation
- interoperability
By: Michael[tm] Smith
It's been a long time coming. Either 10 months (if you count back to when the current W3C HTML Working Group was chartered) or 10 years (if you consider when the HTML 4.0 Recommendation was published. Or maybe just 4...
- html
IE8 and opt-in versioning mechanism
By: Karl Dubost
Microsoft proposes an opt-in versioning mechanism for IE8 for Web developers using the meta element of HTML.
- html
- html5
- versioning
SVG On Acid?
SVG has had a huge surge of popularity in the past few years... so we thought ACID3 would be a great chance for a push for SVG interoperability. The SVG Working Group... devised a few tests that we hope will be included in ACID3.
- acid3
- interoperability
- svg
Simple things make firm foundations
You can look at the development of web technology in many ways, but one way is as a major software project. In software projects, the independence of specs, has always been really important, I have felt. A classic example is...
- html
- tag