Blog - 2008
The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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Make your Data Web Friendly
What does it mean to make your data Web friendly. A very simple introduction and a few links to explore and understand RDFa, a technology to easily create hyperlinked data.
- html
- html5
- metadata
- rdf
- rdfa
- semantic-web
HTML 5, a new step
HTML 5 conformance checking has been integrated into the beta W3C Markup Validator.
- conformance-checker
- html
- html5
- validation
- validator
The details of data in documents: GRDDL, profiles, and HTML5
GRDDL, a mechanism for putting RDF data in XML/XHTML documents, is specified mostly at the XPath data model level. Some GRDDL software goes beyond XML and supports HTML as she are spoke, aka tag soup. HTML 5 is intended to...
- grddl
- html
- html5
- semantic-web
- xhtml
Give me a break! CSS WG meeting
CSS WG is meeting in Cambridge, UK and had an interesting discussion about br element and possible associated CSS properties.
- css
- f2f
- wai-aria
- working-group
Web Directions East 2008
Web Directions is in Tokyo for the first time on November 7-9, 2008.
- conference
- tokyo
- w3c
- web-design
The Digital Stakhanovite
Designing a technology that will accomodate our social contexts of the digital Stakhanovite is a big challenge, far to be simple to solve.
- exif
- html
- metadata
- photo