New SW Case Study by the German National Library of Economics

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The Leibnitz Information Centre for Economics of the German National Library of Economics (the world’s largest economics library) has provided a W3C Semantic Web Case Study on the Web based publication of the STW Thesaurus for Economics of the library. The thesaurus is published in RDF (using also RDFa) based on the SKOS vocabulary. This thesaurus is also connected to the library’s own catalog; users of the STW website can browse the pages and trigger a search for indexed media items by clicking on the book icon. This opens thematic access paths for the retrieval of library resources. Additional links were created to dbpedia entities, which enable linking to Wikipedia pages.

ZBW has also deployed a SPARQL endpoint and a terminology web service built on the endpoint. The service provides, for example, search for concepts, narrower terms, or synonyms. It also powers the autosuggest incremental search service on the STW web site.

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