Blog - 2010
The W3C blog is for in-depth Web standards topics and educational materials. More information in About W3C Blog.
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Get ready for HTML5 Graphics: Start the new year learning SVG - Early bird rate expiring soon!
W3C is delighted to announce its latest online training course: Introduction to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) which will start on Jan 10 2011. SVG is getting increasingly important for Web designers given that SVG now directly supported in HTML5 IE...
- svg
New RDF Working Group, RDF/JSON, RDF API…
After long discussions the call for votes on a new RDF Working Group has been sent to W3C members; the goal is to set up a new W3C Working Group taking care of some technical issues around RDF. It was...
- api
- javascript
- json
- rdf
- rdfa
- semantic-web
High Performance Web Socket Server
By: Dave Raggett
The Web still has a long way to go to fulfill its potential for distributed applications. HTTP and JSON have proven their worth, but can overload servers trying to handle large number of simultaneous connections. A promising new technology is...
Progress in Lyon - TPAC 2010
W3C met in Lyon, France 1-5 November for an annual W3C gathering we call "TPAC" (for Technical Plenary and Advisory Committee, pronounced "T-pack"). This was my first TPAC. Based on what I saw and what I heard it was a...
- ceo
Boosting privacy online - anonymous credentials in the browser
Identity matters! In everyday life we present different "faces" to different people according to the social context, e.g. family, personal, and professional. Our online life is the same, and our privacy depends on keeping these different faces compartmentalized. To support...
A toucan describedby data
An intense discussion on the Linked Open Data mailing list has lead to at least two distinct outcomes: a proposal for a new way to resolve URIs identifying non-information resources without losing the important distinction from information that describes them; and a correction to an ambiguity in the specification of wdrs:describedby.
- errata
- linked-data
- powder