Get ready for HTML5 Graphics: Start the new year learning SVG - Early bird rate expiring soon!

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W3C is delighted to announce its latest online training course: Introduction to SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) which will start on Jan 10 2011.

SVG is getting increasingly important for Web designers given that

  • SVG now directly supported in HTML5
  • IE 9 will join all other major browsers (Firefox, Opera, Safari, ...) in supporting the format.

This is the second time we run this course - here are some impressive examples of SVG applications that students in the first course were able to accomplish in their “final exam” after only five weeks of study:

We received excellent feedback on the first course - some examples of what participants in the previous course had to say:

  • “SVG is the future of graphics for web development. Anyone remotely interested in web dev needs to start learning it.”
  • “The format suits someone who may be working during the day, but has some time in the evenings to do some study”
  • “I really got infected by SVG! It’s an important part of the web-future (when there will be full cross-browser-support of SVG/SMIL) I gained knowledge and abilities that really impressed me.”
  • “You are at home; but not alone. There is feed-back and it is possible to get help. The course material and the assignments are high level, so later on when you are going to use it in your work, you have a god reference material.”
  • “A well taught course that thanks to the discussion group enables you to connect with some amazing individuals and allow you to expand your knowledge of the subject area well beyound whats in the course material itself.”

Full details on the content, the timing, who it’s for and more are available. 

Early bird registration is available until January Jan 4 2011 at just €125 (after that, the cost will be €165). 

 Hope you can join us!

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