Open Data Conference in Paris

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W3C (and friends, like Nigel Shadbolt) will participate in the first edition of the Open Data Conference taking place on September 27, 2012 in Paris, France. This conference brings together an international set of experts to discuss current challenges as well as historical aspects of LOD (Linked Open Data).

Indeed, all the stars in the Five-Star scheme have of course benefits but also costs of implementation and design, and developers need to carefully review the situation they're in vs. the situation they want to move to, and how long it will take.
And more importantly, they need to understand that their customers will expert the level of innovation and modernity requiring five-star datasets.

The “Open Data and Future Uses” round-table where I'll speak will try to look beyond the current issues facing Open Data deployment today, and imagine new applications.
What I have in mind for this session is of course opening up the potential of the most advanced semantic Web technologies, involving for instance logic reasonning and a solid trust framework in day-to-day activities.

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