Event Report: Test The Web Forward Shanghai Aug 17-18 2013

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Test The Web Forward (Shanghai)

  • was successfully co-organized by W3C, Adobe and Baidu on Aug 17-18 2013 Shanghai, China. After the first

Test The Web Forward event in Beijing /p>

  • , more passion was raised from the developers community to this specification testing hackathon event in China. The Shanghai event attracted over 630 registrations, around 350 Web developers attended the first day of the event and over 150 developers joined the second day's hackathon. By the end of the event, 1003 tests and 35 bugs were submitted, which set another Test The Web forward world record.
  • The event took place at Parkyard Hotel, funded by Baidu and kicked off on Aug 17 afternoon. Mr. Chen Shangyi, W3C AC rep of Baidu gave a warm welcome speech to the attendees. He also shared Baidu’s experience with W3C and encouraged more involvement and contribution from China ICT industry to Web standards. Paul Cotton, Co-Chair of W3C HTML working group talked about the lasted progress of HTML5 specification and shared the road map of HTML5.0 and HTML5.1 specifications. And then, Prof. Hou Ziqiang, Dean of Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences delivered the message on the importance of Web Standards to China government and industry during his presentation The Past and the future of Web App.
  • After the lightening talks on how to read a W3C spec and how to submit test cases, the attendees were divided into six groups to write tests for HTML Drag and Drop, IndexedDB, File API, CSS Transforms, Grid Layout, Backgrounds and Borders. A nice and delicious buffet meal was provided afterwards so that the group members could socialize and build a good team spirit for the hackathon next day.
  • Aug 18, the second day of the event started with a warm up talk by Zhiqiang Zhang, an Intel engineer on How to Write Good Tests and How to File Good Bugs. All the six groups were very engaged in test cases writing with the help from group leaders and reviewers. We used a Chinese tanggu drum to signal when tests were completed and to get people motivated to submit more tests. This added the fun of the day. And the USD1000 cash award for the outstanding individual contributor and other awards like iPad, Mini Pad and Kindle readers for various contributors sponsored by Baidu made the event more fun and exciting.
  • We would like to thank Baidu for successfully hosting the event at Shanghai and thank Intel for super technical support! We were excited to see that people made new friends, improved their knowledge of web standards testing, and we continued moving the Web forward a little bit more.
  • (Note: part of the content of this blog is quoted from the report by Rebecca Hauck and Fiona Duan from Adobe)

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