DPUB IG Telco, 2016-08-01: TPAC and Use Case Planning
See minutes online for a more detailed record of the discussions.
The W3C Technical Plenary (a.k.a. TPAC) meeting is a few weeks away; the groups spent some time on identifying which other Working and/or Interest Groups we would like to meet. At present, the list includes ARIA, CSS, Web Platform, I18N, SVG; others may come up in the coming weeks. The group also had some discussion on setting up the agenda for the IG's Face-to-Face meeting.
Use Case Document planning
To move the Use Case document forward, the group has assigned a number of sections in the document to specific persons for further editing. (See the meeting agenda for details.) The idea is to have a publishable use case document by TPAC, possibly even before...
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