DPUB IG Telco, 2016-09-12: Preparation for TPAC, UCR Publication
See minutes online for a more detailed record of the discussions.
Preparation for TPAC F2F
These are the important pointers:
The meeting concentrated on some of the details on what should be on the agenda, like
- WCAG connections
- CSS Houdini status and work
- CSS Media queries
- XSL-FO vs. CSS
- Changes to be done on the PWP draft
- Preparation for the meeting on the future of the work at W3C
UCR Document
The FPWD of the UCR document is ready to be published (to be done tomorrow, 13 September). Heather gave some overview on the recent changes (too numerous to list here). Sections have been cut, the section headers are no longer the Requirement descriptions, etc. A number of editorial issues came up and will be added to the github issues' list for further discussion. There will be a separate session at TPAC on the UCR document.
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