W3C holds events and creates opportunities at TPAC 2016, Lisbon in September
W3C is creating numerous opportunities and events this year during the TPAC 2016 week in Lisbon, Portugal, 19-23 September 2016:
TPAC 2016 is open to participants in W3C {Working, Interest} Groups (as well as selected Business or Community Groups scheduled to meet), W3C Members, W3C Offices, invited guests. The Combined Technical Plenary / Advisory Committee Meetings Week brings together W3C Technical Groups, the Advisory Board, the TAG and the Advisory Committee for an exciting week of coordinated work.
As the summer holidays are about to start in the Northern hemisphere, participants should please consider this update as a reminder to book hotel room as soon as possible as September is a busy period for Lisbon; and to please register by 2 September.
- Monday Developer Meetup (Web Payment demo, a11y, Webauthn, Flexbox, IndieWeb, etc.)
- Tuesday breakfast with CEO Jeff Jaffe for W3C group Chairs
- Technical Plenary Day breakout sessions (Read and submit breakout topics in wiki)
- Publishing Community meeting
- W3C Member demos in prominent exhibition area
- W3C Member Executive Session
wish it was august, summer time is best in Lisbon. Lisbon will be tripping with techies
wish it was in Seattle,