Publishing WG Telco, 2018-05-21: Closing issues (WAM, JSON usage, context), list of resources

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See minutes online for a more detailed record of the discussions.

Closing some open issues

The meeting closed three major pending issues:

  1. The WP definition will not specify a browsing context, is left to implementations (see discussion);
  2. The Infoset is primarily in JSON (a separate file or in an HTML data block) though, to avoid duplication, the information may be in the HTML entry page (see discussion);
  3. The Manifest is not based on the Web Application Manifest (which may be used separately by the author of a WP), (see discussion)

List of resources

There was a separate discussion on whether an exhaustive resource list is required to create a Web Publication (see github issue #198). One of the core problems around the issue is to define exactly what “offlineable” vs. “packageable” means, and whether WP-s should “disallow” these features or not. The separate question is what other areas are affected by the presence (or not) of this information set item.

The discussion will continue on the F2F meeting next week.

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