Publishing WG Telco, 2018-09-17: Issue Review, UAs that are not WP-Aware

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We reviewed options for formal incubation of new ideas. After some back and forth, we agreed to create a new GitHub repo for incubation purposes.

GitHub Project Organization

We are taking advantage of GitHub Projects to help plan meetings. See to see what is coming up on calls and F2F meetings.

Issue review

We looked at PR #331 and the corresponding issue #325. Hadrien Gardeur recommends that we remove the fallback on the title element in the entry page because the infoset does not require a title.

Issue #271 is about what happens when a WP is opened in a user agent that has not been enhanced to support WPs. Tim Cole pointed out that we might serve ourselves better by approaching this slightly differently. When one opens a WP in an existing UA, you should see something, and it should be usable. However, we need to remember that there is a distinction between regular web pages and WPs. The elements that are accessed by opening the WP in a WP-aware UA are what distinguishes a WP from a website. There was some discussion about what those things are and a reminder that we still need to tie our documentation back to the Use Cases document.

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