Publishing WG Telco, 2018-10-08: pagelist, incubation

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See minutes online for a more detailed record of the discussions.


The group discussed issue on pagelist. Pagelist are necessary to describe set of links that helps navigation when the book has a equivalent print representation. It allows content creators to encode references to "printed pages" (nothing to do with "page numbers" generated in the context of dynamically-paginated reflowable documents, i.e. the reading system's own pagination capabilities).

The resolution is to add such page lists, using the same structure as ToC, but referring to doc-pagelist DPUB ARIA role. Pull Request to come...


There was a discussion whereby it would be beneficial to set up a separate stucture where incubating new ideas would be possible, ideas that go beyond the charter of the WG, discussions that do not belong to the main thrust of the WG's work but are nevertheless important and forward looking. The group discussed what structure would be the most beneficial, and the decision is to set up a separate Community Group, closely related to the Working Group.

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