EPUBCheck 4.2.0 and EPUB 3.2 production-ready
The Publishing Business Group is pleased to announce the simultaneous availability of EPUBCheck 4.2 production-ready release and EPUB 3.2 Final Specification!
This renewed version of EPUBCheck enable all the digital publishing industry to create, distribute and bring to readers EPUB content files in the safest way. All stages of the EPUB supply chain should now use the latest version of EPUBCheck 4.2.
Built by the the DAISY Consortium, this revision of EPUBCheck brings complete support to the the EPUB 3.2 family specifications.
EPUB 3.2 achieves a new milestone in the long history of EPUB, as a sound and reliable specification of the EPUB standard. Created as strongly backward-compatible with EPUB 3.0.1, EPUB 3.2 also brings a major future oriented feature in opening a full Web standards support for content. See EPUB 3.2 Changes.
The Steering Committee of the Publishing Business Group wants to thank all EPUBCheck 4.2 contributors driven by the DAISY Consortium (Romain Deltour and Matt Garrish), and the EPUB 3 Community Group (in particular Dave Cramer and Rachel Comerford, co-chairs) for their timely efforts in these joint projects.
Thanks also to Tobias Fischer whose efficient coordination brings 10 translations to EPUBCheck: Danish, French, German, Italian, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish, Japanese, Chinese, Dutch. Thanks to all translators!
UPDATE : EPUBCheck 4.2.1 has been published to fix a recently raised issue.
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