The MDN developer and designer survey 2019
Web developers and designers, we want to hear from you! Designed in collaboration with browser vendors and W3C, the Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) just launched a Web Developer and Designer Needs Assessments survey.
Take this opportunity to influence browser vendors! Let us know where you are experiencing difficulties when building for the Web. It’s easy to take part: just complete this survey that will take you approximately 20 minutes — this is your chance to make yourself heard!
MDN is the popular Web documentation portal operated by Mozilla and in which W3C is involved via its Product Advisory Board. In an effort to map the gaps of the browser-based Web platform as perceived by developers, a specific goal of this survey is to help better inform priorities in terms of how the platform needs to evolve (both in terms of implementations and technologies, i.e. standards).
Not only the results and learnings will be shared publicly on MDN, but we expect the results of that survey to provide useful insights to W3C's standardization roadmap. Mozilla, Google, Microsoft and Samsung also intend to use the results of the survey in their feature development prioritization; other browser vendors may do so as well.
You must be 19 years old or over to participate. Your information is handled as described in the Mozilla Privacy Policy.
Just completed the survey - excited to see the outcome of this initiative. There is definitely work to be done to make all browser rendering more standard and reduce the time HTML developers need to spend testing (and tweaking) in all available browsers. Another great possibility would be uniform and standardised implementations of new technologies or protocols shortly after they become available (e.g. WebRTC) so consumers aren't forced to use a specific browser only if they want to use something new.